?????? 1 Compare Russia is a big country. Russia is bigger than Great Britain. Russia is the biggest country in the world. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "?????? 1 Compare Russia is a big country. Russia is bigger than Great Britain. Russia is the biggest country in the world. 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 ?????? 1

3 Compare Russia is a big country. Russia is bigger than Great Britain. Russia is the biggest country in the world. 2

4 Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives 3

5 beau-ti-ful in-te-res-ting won-der-ful beau-ti-ful in-te-res-ting won-der-ful good bad good bad big hap-py short cle-ver cold nar-row big hap-py short cle-ver cold nar-row 4

6 5

7 How to form the degrees of SHORT adjectives + er Adj Positive Исходная степень Positive Исходная степень Superlative Превосходная степень Superlative Превосходная степень Comparative сравнительная степень Comparative сравнительная степень the + est Adj 6

8 Form the degrees of comparison PRACTICE Cold - ___________ - ______________ Long - ___________ - ______________ Short - ___________ - ______________ Small - ___________ - ______________ Proud - ___________ - ______________ 7

9 Check your answers Cold - colder – the coldest Long - longer- the longest Short – shorter – the shortest Small – smaller – the smallest Proud – prouder – the proudest 8

10 !!!! Spelling ПРАВИЛО №1. Правило «закрытого слога» big, thin, slim, sad – bigger, thinner, slimmer, sadder ПРАВИЛО №2. Правило «буквы –y» happy, angry, lucky, grey, gay - happier, angrier, luckier, greyer, gayer ПРАВИЛО №3. Правило «немой гласное -e» nice, fine – finer, nicer 9

11 Choose the right variant tidy – a) tidyer, the tidyest; b) tidier, the tidiest; c) tider, the tidiest safe – a) safer, the safest; b) safeer, the safest; c) safer, the safeest fat – a) fater, the fatest; b) fatter, the fatteest; c) fatter, the fattest heavy – a)heavier, the heaviest; b)heavyer, the heavyest, c) heaver, the heavest slim – a) slimer, the slimest, b) slimer, the slimmest, c) slimmer, the slimmest 10

12 Check your ANSWERS tidy – b) tidier, the tidiest; safe – a) safer, the safest; fat – c) fatter, the fattest heavy – a) heavier, the heaviest slim – c) slimmer, the slimmest 11 0 mistake EXC 1 mistake GOOD 2-3 mistakes SAT

13 How to form the degrees of LONG adjectives Adj Positive Исходная степень Positive Исходная степень Superlative Превосходная степень Superlative Превосходная степень Comparative сравнительная степень Comparative сравнительная степень Adj more the most 12

14 Form the degrees of comparison PRACTICE interesting - __________ - _____________ wonderful - __________ - ____________ famous - ___________ - ______________ beautiful - ___________ - _____________ difficult - ___________ - ______________ 13

15 Check your answers interesting – more - the most wonderful – more - the most famous – more - the most beautiful – more - the most difficult - more - the most 14

16 How to form the degrees of IRREGULAR adjectives good – better – the best bad – worse – the worst 15

17 16

18 Fill the chart right 1.Определить тип прилагательного a.«короткое» (1 слог/ 2 слога на –y, -er, -ow) b.«длинное» (3 и более слогов) c.исключение (good, bad) 2.Вспомнить образование a.«короткое» (-er, the -est) b.«длинное» (more, the most ) c.исключение (good-better-the best, bad-worse- the worst) 17

19 Complete the chart PositiveComparativeSuperlative important dirtier the most changeable serious good the sweetest braver hot worse the tallest 18

20 CHECK the chart PositiveComparativeSuperlative importantmore importantthe most important dirtydirtierthe dirtiest changeablemore changeablethe most changeable seriousmore seriousthe most serious goodbetterthe best sweetsweeterthe sweetest bravebraverthe bravest hothotterthe hottest badworsethe worst talltallerthe tallest 19

21 Types of degrees a/an Positive положительная THAN Comparative сравнительная the (ставим сами) Superlative сравнительная 20

22 How to choose the right degree 1.Big Ben is (famous) of all the sights in London. 2.Wales is (small) than England. 3.England is a (large) country. 21

23 Algorithm than YES NONO NONO NONO NONO II сравнительная II сравнительная a/an I исходная I исходная III превосходная III превосходная 22

24 Open the brackets. Use the algorithm. A Ferrari is _________________________ than a Fiat (expensive). What is ________________________ monument in England (famous)? Randy is a ______________________ student (good). The cheetah is __________________ animal of all (fast). England is ___________ than Russia (small). 23

25 24

26 25

27 26

28 Все понял(а) Почти все понял Понял наполовину Не понял вообще 27

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