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1 Emergency Management at UWS Presented by: Glenn Cooper.

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1 1 Emergency Management at UWS Presented by: Glenn Cooper

2 2 Agenda What is an Emergency ? Types of Emergency Events Emergency Response Training (ERT) Preparation & Planning /Evacuation Drills & Emergency Roles Recent Evacuation Hawkesbury Campus Mass Casualty Training

3 3 What is an Emergency? Any event which arises internally or from external sources, which may adversely affect the safety of persons or the community generally, and which requires an immediate response. Ref: AS 3745:200

4 4 Types of Emergency Events Bush Fire Explosion Electric Shock Suspicious Mail/ Package Bomb Threat Gas Leak Power Failure Water Leak Flooding Hostage /Siege Violent or Threatening Person Storm /Severe Weather Motor Vehicle Accident Toxic Chemical Release

5 5 Preparation – Training of staff for Emergency response Campus Safety & Security carry out the training for Emergency Response, we have training sessions on a campus each month, register via “My Career on line” Why are training & evacuation drills conducted? Reveal Planning Strengths / Weaknesses Identify Resource Gaps Improve Emergency Coordination Clarify Roles And Responsibilities Improve Individual Performance

6 6 Planning for the Evacuation Drill Campus Safety & Security will conduct evacuation drills for every building at least once per year We will make contact with the chief building warden to plan for an appropriate day & time for the drill to take place. Consideration will be given to briefing building occupants on: -Time / date of the drill (surprise drills are not recommended) -Identity of wardens -Alarm system (different tones) or ways the alert will be issued -Alarm response actions, what to do -Assembly point / areas and alternatives -Evacuation routes -Feedback & Debrief requirements

7 7 Evacuation of Hawkesbury Campus We had a requirement to evacuate our Hawkesbury campus on the 10-09- 2013 due to loss off power for an extended period. We evacuated all buildings and grounds with the exception of the childcare centre and our residential area. During the evacuation we also had a complication that fires erupted around the campus this then caused another concern regarding personal safety of those still on campus. How did we manage the child care and residential areas, what were we going to do in a complete shut down of the campus ? Discussions are taking place with stakeholders to draft SOP’s for emergency management in regards to childcare facilities.

8 8 Mass Casualty Training This training was provided by Surf Lifesaving Australia on 2nd & 3rd October 2013 at the Hawkesbury Campus. The training involved one day of classroom based theory & exercises and one day of scenario based training In attendance at this training were representatives of Campus Safety & Security, Capital Works & Facilities, Workplace Health & Safety and the Office of People & Culture. Scenarios were based on real life situations such as an Active shooter on campus as well as a Clandestine drug lab explosion All attendees found this training to be beneficial and I feel as though it expanded my personal skill set.

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