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Overview of the System Alexei Vladishev CEO and Founder Zabbix, SIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the System Alexei Vladishev CEO and Founder Zabbix, SIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the System Alexei Vladishev CEO and Founder Zabbix, SIA

2 Presenter Alexei Vladishev CEO, Founder, and Product Manager Name:

3 Content About Product 4 Elements 12 Main Functions 21 Architecture 33
Installation and Deployment Options 40 Strategy & Services 47

4 About Product Introduction 5 History 6 License 8
Competitive Benefits 9 Performance 10 Zabbix in Numbers 11

5 Zabbix solves all these issues So what’s the problem? Introduction
Cost of downtime is high Hard to manage nontransparent environment Impossible to make wise planning and purchasing Zabbix solves all these issues

6 GPL release History Stable Version Zabbix SIA Company est. 1st First
2006 v. 1.1 2005 Zabbix SIA Company est. XML Protocol Active Checks Logfile Monitoring Eventlog Monitoring GSM Modem SNMPv3 2004 1st Stable Version release 2001 First GPL release 1998 Product idea v. 1.0 v. 0.1

7 History continued So What Is NEXT? Zabbix Japan LLC v. 2.2 2012 2009
LLD Multinamed Host Java Gateway JMX Monitoring Automatic Inventory SNMP Trap Monitoring 2008 v. 1.8 API Configuration Cache Passive Zabbix Proxy IBM DB2 Support Calculated Items Better scalability Enhanced dashboard Better navigation Better reporting 2007 Escallations Zabbix Proxy LDAP Auth Dashboard Maintenance New Interface SQLite Network Discovery Web Monitoring UTF8, IPv6 v. 1.6 Zabbix Japan LLC v. 1.4

8 GPLv2 Open Source True License
No Hidden (Corporate, Enterprise) versions

9 Competitive Benefits Bundled package True Open Source
Enterprise-friendly support pricing Monitor anything Distributed monitoring Commercially Backed

10 Single Zabbix Node Performance
With a well structured set-up and powerful hardware, allows to process over new values per second, which is equal to monitoring of devices against 15 parameters with 50 second interval

11 800 000 Best of Breed 25 Zabbix in Numbers
times software was downloaded during 2012 Best of Breed Zabbix is nominated for the 2nd time among world’s best monitoring solutions according to Gartner 25 languages Zabbix interface is translated to

12 Elements Host 13 Item 14 Trigger 15 Template 20

13 Host Server or a network device having IP or DNS name Any application Any smart equipment

14 Sources of Information
Item Sources of Information Zabbix Agent Server polls Zabbix Agent (Active) Processed by Zabbix agent Simple check Executed by Zabbix server SNMP agent All SNMP versions are supported Trapper Used with Zabbix sender Log files Internal Zabbix health Aggregate Average/min/max for host group External check script[parameters] SSH Password and key authentication supported Telnet Calculated From existing data

15 Trigger Logical expression that can describe threshold or complex problem condition 6 severity levels may be assigned to a Trigger visual representation - different colors for different severities audio in global alarms - different audio for different severities user media - different media (notification channel) for different severities limiting actions by conditions against trigger severities

16 Trigger Expressions Syntax {host:key.function(param)}=0
{zabbix:system.cpu.load.avg(600)}>5 Operators -, +, /, *, <, >, =, #, |, and Functions min, max, avg, last, diff, count, delta, time, etc Not limited to single item or host {host1:item1}=1 and {host2:item2}>3 | {host3:item3}<0 Expression Constructor makes it easier to build complex expressions

17 Real problem: Disk is full Trigger Dependencies CRM does’t respond
Alarm CRM does’t respond MySQL doesn’t respond Alarm Linux on Host 1 stopped Alarm Investigates the real cause of multiple problems Skips dependent notifications Hides dependent triggers in the frontend Disk free space Host 1 = 0 Mb Alarm

18 Trigger Hysteresis Task:
Average server room temperature is 12-14ºC. Alarm if temperature exceeds 20ºC and release alarm only if temperature goes below 15ºC. ({TRIGGER.VALUE}=0 and {server:temp.last(0)}>20) | ({TRIGGER.VALUE}=1 and {server:temp.last(0)}>15)

19 Relative Trigger Allows to compare current result with some result in the past Task: Compare average load on system CPU for 1 hour today with average load for the same period yesterday and notify if it is more than 2 times larger Example {server:system.cpu.load.avg(1h)} / {server:system.cpu.load.avg(1h, 1d)}>2

20 Template A template is a set of elements that can be conveniently applied to manage monitoring of multiple hosts. Nested templates allow to manage different hosts efficiently. Template_MySQL Template_Bacula Template_Apache Template_Linux Template_JBoss Template_Postfix Template_MailServer Template_WebServer Template_AppServer Mail Server #1 Mail Server #2 Web Server Application Server

21 Main Functions Collect 22 Store 25 Manage 26 Alert 27 Visualize 28

22 Any application that Customer depends on.
Collect data Data is gathered using various methods, including Zabbix native agents and agent-less options: SNMP ver.1, 2, 3, IPMI, trappers, SSH, Telnet. Any application that Customer depends on. Applications Middleware OS Network Hardware

23 Automated Device Management
Way to manage 200,000 devices and more Network discovery Condition Action Periodically search within IP+Port range for a certain reply Create/delete Host and assign Template New device arrives ! Auto-registration Condition Action Install Zabbix agent on a new device, provide Zabbix server location Create/delete Host and assign Template New file system added! Low-level discovery For existing Hosts Action Periodically search on all Hosts for a new / missing components Create/delete Items for existing host

24 Collect data | Web Monitoring
Response code, time, and speed (200; 5ms; 256kB/s) Web scenarios, including login/logout, are supported HTTP and HTTPS are supported Check for pre-defined string [word/number] is supported

25 Store data Relation database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, SQLite)
Unlimited amount of historical data Support of NoSQL storages (like Cassandra) is coming Reuse stored data at any time

26 Manage data History Built-in data reduction Averaged historical data
Housekeeping Long term storage Per-item retention periods

27 Flexible escalation Alert Notification methods: E-mail, SMS, & Jabber
Chat message Command Execution Event Acknowledgement function Flexible escalation

28 Visualize | Dashboard

29 Visualize | Graphs Simple graphs are created automatically, no need to set up Complex graphs may visualize data from different sources

30 Visualize | Maps Different available elements
Easy editing, Drag and Drop Reference data along elements Nested maps – ability to drill-down UTF-8 support

31 Visualize | Maps

32 Visualize | Screens Compound pages Better context
Large display for helpdesk

33 Architecture Zabbix Server 34 Zabbix Proxy 35 Zabbix Agent 37
Trouble Free Maintenance 39

34 Back-End Database Front-end Zabbix Server API Ticket C language
Zabbix Agents Zabbix Agents Simple Check Back-End Database Front-end C language PHP language API JSON-RPC Ticket Mobile Applications Zabbix Proxy Ticketing Systems

35 Zabbix Proxy Proxy is an aggregator of data collected by Agents
Zero maintenance Automatically creates SQLite DB. Other DBs can be used as well Hundreds of devices can work through a single Proxy Zabbix Proxy Zabbix Server

36 Web Monitoring by Proxy
Headquarters – New York Branch #1 - London Zabbix Server Zabbix Proxy Branch #2 - Paris Web Server Zabbix Proxy

37 Zabbix Agent Native agents. Written in C.
Small footprint, low system resource usage Available for most platforms

38 Server Agent Zabbix Agent | Modes Passive mode Active mode
Request: CPU load Response: 1.95 Passive mode Active mode Request: What to check? Response: CPU load, ... Request frequency set by Agent, 120 sec. by default CPU load: 4.32 Fan speed (RPM): 3524 Free diskspace: 13 Gb Buffer Higher Performance More secure

39 Trouble Free Maintenance
Everything, Data and Configuration, is stored in DB. To back-up Zabbix, just back-up corresponding Zabbix DB No DB changes within major versions (Front-end from works great with Back-end 2.0.0) Agents are backward compatible with Zabbix Server (Agent v.1.2 works fine with Zabbix Server 2.0.6) Starting from Zabbix v.2.2, DB will be upgraded automatically when connected from Zabbix Server v.2.2

40 Installation and Deployment Options
Single server installation 41 Distributed installation 42 Single Node demployment 43 Distributed with Proxy demployment 44 Distributed with Nodes 45

41 Single Server Single Server Zabbix Back-end Zabbix Front-End Database

42 Distributed across Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Zabbix Back-end
Zabbix Front-End Database

43 Single Node Headquarters Branch #2 Zabbix Server
Rule for each device has to be created on firewall

44 Distributed by Proxy Headquarters Branch #2 Branch #1 Zabbix Server
Active Zabbix Proxy Passive Zabbix Proxy

45 Distributed by Nodes Headquarters Branch #2 Branch #1 Sub-branch
MasterServer Branch #2 Branch #1 Sub-branch Slave Server Slave Server Zabbix Proxy

46 Download Use virtual appliance to test
3 options Use virtual appliance to test Install from a package (RHEL, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu) Install from a source

47 Strategy & Services Strategy 48 Services 49 Partners 50

48 Strategy Stay Open Source
Concentrate on enterprise-level companies, while continue to be the best solution for small and medium companies Deliver improvements regularly Listen to customers’ needs, while defining strategy ourselves.

49 Our Services Consulting Build around customers to fit their unique business needs, requirements and complexities Professional training Template Building Talk to expert Add unique device Obtain knowledge Outsource set-up Get new version Upgrade Turn-Key Solution Technical Advise Optimize Technical Support Development Get assistance Remote Troubleshooting

50 Partner Network 16 57 partners are actively involved in Zabbix promotion all over the world

51 Questions? Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention!

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