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Continuous optimization Problems and successes

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1 Continuous optimization Problems and successes
Tijl De Bie Intelligent Systems Laboratory MVSE, University of Bristol United Kingdom

2 Motivation Back-propagation algorithm for training neural networks (gradient descent) Support vector machines Convex optimization `boom’ (NIPS, also ICML, KDD...) What explains this success? (Is it really a success?) (Mainly for CP-ers not familiar with continuous optimization)

3 (Convex) continuous optimization
Convex optimization:

4 Convex optimization

5 Convex optimization General convex optimization approach
Start with a guess, iteratively improve until optimum found E.g. Gradient descent, conjugate gradient, Newton method, etc For constrained convex optimization: Interior point methods Provably efficient (worst-case, typical case even better) Iteration complexity: Complexity per iteration: polynomial Out-of-the-box tools exist (SeDuMi, SDPT3, MOSEK...) Purely declarative Book: Convex Optimization (Boyd & Vandenberghe)

6 Convex optimization Convex optimization Logdet Cone Programming LP QP
Geometric programming SOCP SDP

7 Linear Programming (LP)
Linear objective Linear inequality constraints Affine equality constraints Applications: Relaxations of Integer LP’s Classification: linear support vector machines (SVM), forms of boosting (Lots outside DM/ML)

8 Convex Quadratic Programming (QP)
Convex Quadratic constraints LP is a special case where Applications: Classification/regression: SVM Novelty detection: minimum volume enclosing hypersphere Regression + feature selection: lasso Structured prediction problems

9 Second-Order Cone Programming (SOCP)
Second Order Cone constraints QCQP is a special case where Applications: Metric learning Fermat-Weber problem: find a point in a plane with minimal sum of distances to a set of points Robust linear programming

10 Semi-Definite Programming (SDP)
Constraints requiring a matrix to be Positive Semi-Definite: SOCP is a special case: Applications: Metric learning Low rank matrix approximations (dimensionality reduction) Very tight relaxations of graph labeling problems (e.g. Max-cut) Semi-supervised learning Approximate inference in difficult graphical models

11 Geometric programming
Objective and constraints of the form: Applications: Maximum entropy modeling with moment constraints Maximum likelihood fitting of exponential family distributions

12 Log Determinant Optimization (Logdet)
Objective is the log determinant of a matrix: = -volume of parallelepiped spanned by columns of X Applications: Novelty detection: minimum volume enclosing ellipsoid Experimental design / active learning (which labels for which data points are likely to be most informative)

13 Eigenvalue problems Eigenvalue problems are not convex optimization problems Still, a relatively efficient and globally convergent, and a useful primitive: Dimensionality reduction (PCA) Finding relations between datasets (CCA) Spectral clustering Metric learning Relaxations of combinatorial problems

14 The hype Very popular in conferences like NIPS, ICML, KDD
These model classes are sufficiently rich to do sophisticated things Sparsity: L1 norm/linear constraints  feature selection Low-rank of matrices: SDP constraint and trace norm (sparse PCA, labeling problems...) Declarative nature, little expertise needed Computational complexity is easy to understand

15 After the hype But: Tendency toward other paradigms:
Polynomial-time, often with a high exponent E.g. SDP: and sometimes Convex constraints can be too limitative Tendency toward other paradigms: Convex-concave programming (Few guarantees, but works well in practice) Submodular optimization (Approximation guarantees, works well in practice)

16 CP vs Convex Optimization
“CP: Choosing the best model is an art” (Helmut) “CP requires skill and ingenuity” (Barry) I understand in CP there is a hierarchy of propagation methods, but... Is there a hierarchy of problem complexities? How hard is it to see if a constraint will propagate well? Does it depend on the implementation? ...

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