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Habit 3 “Put First Things First”. Review Habit 1 –“Be Proactive” “You are the driver, not the passenger” Habit 2 -“Begin with the End in Mind” “Decide.

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Presentation on theme: "Habit 3 “Put First Things First”. Review Habit 1 –“Be Proactive” “You are the driver, not the passenger” Habit 2 -“Begin with the End in Mind” “Decide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habit 3 “Put First Things First”

2 Review Habit 1 –“Be Proactive” “You are the driver, not the passenger” Habit 2 -“Begin with the End in Mind” “Decide where you want to go and how you will get there.”

3  Habit 3 is all about learning to prioritize and managing your time so that your first things come first, not last.  It is the strength to say “no” to less important things and “yes” to more important things.

4 Reading “The Mayonnaise Jar”

5 Put the following in your booklet My “golf balls” would be: My “pebbles” would be: My “sand” would be: **two or more for each

6 The Time Quadrants The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout..

7 The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout. The “Yes-Person” Example: - Tries to please other people; can’t say “no” because afraid of offending others; often caves to peer pressure; results in reputation of being a “pleaser,” lack of discipline

8 The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout. The “Yes-Man” Example: - Tries to please other people; can’t say “no” because afraid of offending others; often caves to peer pressure; results in reputation of being a “pleaser,” lack of discipline The Slacker Example: category of waste and excess; do too much of everything that is unproductive.; results: lack of responsibility, guilt, flakiness.

9 The Procrastinator Example: - Put off doing things; do everything at the last minute; results in stress, anxiety, burnout. The Prioritizer - Results: “Quadrant of Excellence”; “got it together”; ook at everything they need to do and then prioritize to make sure that first things get done first and last things done last; knowhow to say no with a smile; results in control of their life, balance, high performance. The “Yes-Man” Example: - Tries to please other people; can’t say “no” because afraid of offending others; often caves to peer pressure; results in reputation of being a “pleaser,” lack of discipline The Slacker - Example: category of waste and excess; do too much of everything that is unproductive.; results: lack of responsibility, guilt, flakiness.

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