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ICT 1 – Smart Cyber-Physical Systems in H2020
European Commission DG CONNECT Presenter: Dr. Werner Steinhögl NCP training-Brussels 23rd October 2013
ICT 1 – Cyber-Physical Systems - Content
Objectives: new paradigms, concepts, platforms or tool-chains laying the foundation for future Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Stakeholders: suppliers and users of CPS, tool and sub-system providers, system integrators, auditors/certification bodies and related academia and research institutes Application sectors: energy, transport, medical, but also food, chemistry and others. Research and innovation activities: Modelling and integration frameworks Methods for smart, cooperative and open CPS Connecting innovators across value chains: Towards platforms and ecosystems Bootstrap European networks of Embedded Systems design centres Supplier would be someone who produces components. Diverse application areas, also areas that do not usually use ICT, f.eks furniture. Integrate different disciplines Systems must have some intelligence. Linked to outer world, goes beyond capacity of one company. Define interfaces where several can cooperate. 1 and 2 are R&D 3 is more innovation, design centres better connected then offer infrastructure for users.
ICT-1 Cyber-Physical Systems – Objectives
De-verticalising technology solutions cutting across the barriers between application sectors including mass consumer markets Bringing together actors along the value chain: from component suppliers to system integrators; to end user Creating new ICT Platforms for vertical markets core markets by matchmaking between the needs of customers and future technology and service offers of CPS
Evolution and Revolution – Cyber-Physical Systems
User experience, Human-Machine Interface Internet of Things, Cloud, Big Data Network Technologies Internet Cyber-Physical Systems / Embedded Systems Networked Embedded Systems "Smart Everywhere" Micro/Nano electronics System on Chip, Smart Systems Computing Continuum Cognitive & Learning Technologies Breaking system, anti-blocking system is an embedded system Cyber-physical is an extension. A network of embedded systems then beyond, computing system outside your car that communicates with it. Foster further along the value chain. Markets: industrial, professional and consumer markets (Smart Home f.eks) Foster integration across value chains Target industrial ─ professional ─ consumer markets
Context - Cyber-Physical Systems in H2020
"Societal Challenges" / Focus Areas Compon. & Systems ICT-1 Adv. Comput- ing ICT-4 Future Internet Content Techs Robotics & Smart Spaces ICT KETs - Nano Electronics, Photonics ICT for Manuf. FoF 1,8,9 LEIT* - ICT Cross cutting actions: Open Disruptive Innovation, Internet of Things, Digital SSH, Cyber-Security, Horizontal Support to Innovation "Excellent Science" such as FET, research infrastructures and HPC Where this objective is positioned in Horizon 2020 Other two in red have connections, contribution to realisation of cyber-physical systems *LEIT: Industry-driven research & innovation - "Leadership for Industrial Technologies
Cyber-Physical Systems – driven by JTI (ARTEMIS, ECSEL)
Implementation in JTI Capital-intensive R&D&I, Pilot lines, Demonstrators / Applications Intensity of investment Industrially-driven R&D Pan-European Innovation: Take-up, Assessment, Infrastructure, Design services Implementation in H2020 Advanced R&D Complimentary work elsewhere. Who are the leading players? JTIs fund more innovation and larger projects 6. Is there a key group of actors or ETP driving this? eg. Relevant technology platform(s)
Cyber-Physical Systems – References
Web-links Cyber-physical Systems: agenda/en/cyber-physical-systems-1 Embedded Systems: systems-engineering JTI ARTEMIS: Contact:
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