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CoA+A Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Dec. 11, 2014 E. Payne-Wiens.

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1 CoA+A Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Dec. 11, 2014 E. Payne-Wiens

2  College of Arts + Architecture established in 2008 o School of Architecture o Art & Art History Department o Dance Department o Music Department o Theatre Department  Current Degrees & Programs o 9 undergraduate degrees o 4 graduate degrees (Architecture) o 4 minors o 2 undergraduate certificates (Ballet and Jazz) o 1 graduate certificate (Vocal Pedagogy)


4 2010 CoA+A created the position of “Director of Academic Advising & Assessment.” 2010-13 Student Learning Outcomes, rubrics, methodologies, and performance targets were developed and implemented across all degrees and certificate programs. 2014 Units continue to seek and design ways to improve teaching and learning based on data.

5 Unit Assessment Coordinators (faculty) facilitate data- gathering, present findings, lead faculty discussion and document proposed changes. Elena serves as CoA+A assessment point- person, data-compiler, analyst, resource, report-drafter and facilitator as needed. Writing and finalizing annual reports is a dynamic process involving all parties, including Chairs/Dir. Changes are piloted and implemented in response to data and faculty recommendations.

6  Accredited by National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)  Current Degrees:  Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (4-year, Pre-Professional)  Bachelor of Architecture (5 th year, Professional, Accredited)  Masters of Architecture (Professional, Accredited)  Masters of Urban Design  Dual Masters of Architecture/Masters of Urban Design  Dual Masters of Architecture/Masters of Comp Sci/Info Tech

7 Scoring spreadsheet with rubric for SLO 3 (Oral Skills) in 2 nd -Year Studio for the BA in Architecture:

8 Scoring spreadsheet for SLO 5 (technology fundamentals) in Environmental Systems Principles for the Master of Architecture:

9 Findings & Actions  Most performance targets have been met over time.  3 rd -year BA students in ARCH 4304 (Structural Systems) need additional support to achieve performance targets in this course. Student performance has improved in the past two cycles.  Measuring writing and oral skills through SLO assessment has been helpful. SoA recently joined CxC.  SoA is exploring greater alignment with NAAB accreditation requirements and their SLOs.

10 SoA Art & Art History  Pursuing accreditation through National Association of Schools of Art & Design (NASAD)  Current Degrees:  BA in Art  Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Art o Concentrations in 9 studio art disciplines, plus Art Education  BA in Art History  Minor in Art History

11 SoA Rubric for SLO 2 (presentation of a digital portfolio) in Senior Seminar for the BFA in Studio Art: Art & Art History

12 SoA Findings & Actions  Most performance targets have been met over time.  New detailed studio art rubrics were implemented in Fall 2013.  Performance on writing-related SLOs varies. Art & Art History recently joined CxC.  In Art History survey courses, Art History majors (small N) underperformed in demonstrating knowledge of art history chronology. Faculty are designing no-penalty online quizzes to help students absorb content. Art & Art History

13  Pursuing accreditation through National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)  Current Degrees:  BA in Dance o Concentration in Performance, Choreography & Theory o Concentration in Dance Education  Minor in Dance  Professional Certificate in Ballet

14 Scoring spreadsheet for SLO 1 (physical skill in dance as an art form) in Ballet IIB:

15 Findings & Actions  Most performance targets have been met over time.  Performance on writing-related SLOs varies.  CxC and ePortfolio pilot (GA grant) impact SLO understanding and redesign.  Faculty reassessed placement of SLO 3 (integrate dance theory and embodied dance) and designed a Fall 14 pilot of the same SLO in a different course with new rubric.

16  Accredited by National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), Summer 2014  Current Degrees:  BA in Music  Bachelor of Music (B.M.) o Concentration in Instrumental Performance o Concentration in Vocal Performance o Concentration in Instrumental/General Music Education o Concentration in Choral/General Music Education  Minor in Music  Undergraduate Certificate in Jazz Studies  Graduate Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy Music

17 Music’s Applied Performance Evaluation measures SLO 1 (knowledge of musicianship on students’ chosen instrument/voice) during Sophomore Review: Music

18 Findings & Actions  Most performance targets have been met over time.  Performance on the oral presentation of research assignment (oral skills SLO 4) was lower than expected; faculty responded by adjusting their preparation and training of students in this area.  Faculty are considering changes to the APE (Applied Performance Evaluation) form and its use. Music

19  Preparing to pursue accreditation through National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST)  Current Degrees:  BA in Theatre o Concentration in Theatre Education  Minor in Theatre

20 Scoring spreadsheet for SLO 4 (collaborative theatre processes) in Theatre Collaboration:

21 Findings & Actions  Faculty have determined that several SLO methodologies no longer match the original intended purposes, and are redesigning these SLOs in alignment with proposed changes to curriculum.  Theatre is a good example of the benefits of pausing, reflecting, re-evaluating, and proceeding intentionally.

22 Strategic Planning Accreditation Student Learning Outcomes

23 Questions? Thank you!

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