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Presentation on theme: " Confess Christ or be cast into hell, Lk 12:4-9 Do not fear men Fear God God cares for you Be bold for Christ."— Presentation transcript:


2 Confess Christ or be cast into hell, Lk 12:4-9 Do not fear men Fear God God cares for you Be bold for Christ

3 We hope you will confess Christ today Non-Christian…become a Christian Christian…reaffirm your conviction


5 Jews tried to establish their own standard, Rom. 10:1-3 Zeal without knowledge – denied Christ Ignorant of God’s plan, Rom. 1:16, 17 Established their own way, Mt. 15:7-9 Condemned – unsaved

6 Christ is the way to righteousness, Rom. 10:9, 10 Acknowledge Jesus is Lord Belief leads to confession, 2 Cor. 4:13

7 No shame for those who believe & confess, Rom. 10:11 Some convictions lead to disappointments Conviction in Christ does not, 2 Tim. 1:12

8 Confession is for Jew & Greek, Rom. 10:12 A blessing for all A requirement for all

9 Part of calling on the name of the Lord, Rom. 10:13 Belief & repentance, Acts 2:21-38 Baptism, Acts 22:16 Fruit of hearing the word, Rom. 10:17

10 The Ethiopian heard preaching about Jesus, Acts 8:35; Rom. 10:17 The Lamb of God, Acts 8:32, 33 The risen Savior Submission to Him

11 He believed what was taught, Acts 8:36 Did not argue Initiated action

12 Philip wanted to confirm his belief, Acts 8:37 Only believers are to be baptized, Mk. 16:16 The eunuch freely confessed

13 The Ethiopian was immediately baptized, Acts 8:38, 39 Based on his confession Not separate, independent ways to be saved ­ Hearing alone does not save ­ Belief alone does not save ­ Confession alone does not save ­ Baptism alone does not save

14 Some believe but are unwilling to confess, Jn. 12:42, 43 Men really did believe Did not confess because of consequences

15 Some believe but are unwilling to confess, Jn. 12:42, 43 Leaves one separated from God ­ Cannot please men & Christ, Gal. 1:10 ­ Christ comes first, or not a disciple, Lk. 14:26 ­ Confess even if family divided, Mt. 10:32-39

16 Some believe and confess, but are not saved Demons believed & confessed, Mk. 1:24 Some men believe & confess, but… ­ Will not obey, Heb. 5:9; Mk. 16:16 ­ Will not live faithfully ∙Immoral, Rev. 2:12-14 ∙Not committed, Rev. 3:14-17

17 Confess Christ or be cast into hell, Lk 12:4-9 Do not fear men Fear God God cares for you Be bold for Christ

18 We hope you will confess Christ today Non-Christian…become a Christian Christian…reaffirm your conviction

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