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Let Your Light Shine… M atthew 5:16 ConFest 2011!.

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Presentation on theme: "Let Your Light Shine… M atthew 5:16 ConFest 2011!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let Your Light Shine… M atthew 5:16 ConFest 2011!

2 Announcements and Welcome

3 Call to Worship

4 Here I am to Worship

5 Let Us Pray…..

6 Litany Leader: Father, we stumble around in the dark. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: We get lost and can’t find the way. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: We say things that hurt those we love Group: Shine your light upon us, God

7 Leader: We turn our backs on those who need us Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: We turn our backs on you. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: We will follow the light. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: Make the path clear for us. Group: Shine your light upon us, God

8 Leader: Bring us out of the forest. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: Show us your creation. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: Hold our hand and let us walk with you. Group: Shine your light upon us, God

9 Leader: Your word is a light for our path. Group: Shine your light upon us, God Leader: Give us courage to reflect your light to others. Group: Amen

10 The Gospel Matthew 5:13-16

11 Message Let Your Light Shine!

12 Let Your Light Shine

13 Offering You are invited to bring your gifts forward at this time. Money collected tonight will be given to the ELCA Malaria Fund. If you are unable to give money tonight, please use the slips of paper and pens at the front to write down a talent or gift of time that you will give this week. You may also write a pledge to the Malaria fund.

14 Prayers of the People

15 The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven

16 Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

17 For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen!

18 The Sending

19 Sending Song: Shout to the Lord

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