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How Green is Your Church? For Greening Your Corner of the CRC Ideas Projects Inspiration…

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Presentation on theme: "How Green is Your Church? For Greening Your Corner of the CRC Ideas Projects Inspiration…"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Green is Your Church? For Greening Your Corner of the CRC Ideas Projects Inspiration…

2 Is God green?  God is first known as creator (Gen 1)  all of creation is “very good.”  “The earth is the Lord’s…” (Ps 24)  God covenants with all creation (Gen 9)  God intends to renew the earth – our future is earthy (Rev 22) YES

3 Should Christians be green?  Humans are made in the image of God (Gen 1:26).  We reflect that image when we are earthkeepers.  We are called to “serve” (‘abad) and “keep” (shamar [care for, guard; same root for keep commandments]) (Gen. 2:15).  But what about that dominion? (Gen 1:28) YES

4 Does the CRC want to be green?  “By sovereign appointment we are earthkeepers and caretakers: loving our neighbor, tending the creation, and meeting our needs. God uses our skills in the unfolding and well-being of his world.” (Contemporary Testimony, par. 10). YES

5 Does the CRC want to be green? AArticle 38, Synod 2008. ““[No need for] further analysis regarding the extent and often uncritical use of the finite resources provided by God through the earth. ““…it is clear that we are only beginning to understand the consequences of maintaining the increasing consumption of finite resources and our waste disposal.” ““Through Jesus Christ, we are reconciled not only to the Father, but to our neighbor and to creation.”

6 Why go green? It can save money It is a good witness It helps the poor

7 Why go green? Your kids won’t hate you You’ll protect your health You’ll draw nearer to God


9 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy WORSHIP Sermon series, liturgy, music (Campus Chapel, Ann Arbor) Meeting outdoors, unplugged (Watershed, Traverse City) “Green Sunday” (Monroe Community, Grand Rapids) Worship

10 FellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy FELLOWSHIP Canning (Trinity, Grandville) EcoTeam (Friendship, Byron Center MI) Group Posters (Watershed, Traverse City MI) Sewing bee for cloth grocery bags (Covenant, Sioux Center IA) Fellowship

11 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Buildings and Grounds

12 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Energy audit (Eastern Ave, Grand Rapids) Buildings and Grounds

13 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Energy audit Native plants, efficient irrigation (Palm Lane, Arizona) Buildings and Grounds

14 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Energy audit Native plants, efficient irrigation Meeting in public places (Crosswinds Community Church) Buildings and Grounds

15 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Energy audit Native plants, efficient irrigation Meeting in public places Programmable thermostats (Calvary, Wyoming MI) Buildings and Grounds

16 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Energy audit Native plants, efficient irrigation Meeting in public places Programmable thermostats Rain garden (Silver Spring, MD) WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy

17 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy BUILDING and GROUNDS Energy audit Native plants, efficient irrigation Meeting in public places Programmable thermostats Rain garden Dual-flush toilets, natural ventilation (Bellevue, Lynden) Buildings and Grounds

18 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Outreach

19 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Community garden (Third CRC, Lynden WA) Outreach

20 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Community garden Providing recycling service for worshippers who can’t recycle at home (Monroe Community, Grand Rapids) Outreach

21 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Community garden Providing recycling Lightbulbs for Epiphany (Eastern Ave, Grand Rapids) Outreach

22 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Community garden Providing recycling Lightbulbs for Epiphany SERVE project (Friendship, Byron Center MI) Outreach

23 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Community garden Providing recycling Lightbulbs for Epiphany SERVE project VBS kids decorated coffee mugs (Boston Square, Grand Rapids) Outreach

24 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy OUTREACH Community garden Providing recycling Lightbulbs for Epiphany SERVE project VBS mugs Electronics recycling drive (Covenant, Sioux Center IA) Outreach

25 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Habits

26 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting (Third, Lynden WA) Habits

27 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting No more styrofoam (New Community Newaygo) WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy

28 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting No more styrofoam Newsletters on email / facebook (Monroe Community, Grand Rapids) Habits

29 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting No more styrofoam Newsletters on email / Facebook People bring mugs, drink fair trade coffee (Crossroads, CA) Habits

30 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting No more styrofoam Newsletters on email / Facebook Mugs, fair trade Green cleaning products (Bellevue, WA) Habits

31 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting No more styrofoam Newsletters on email / Facebook mugs, fair trade Green cleaning Ink cartridge recycle (Roosevelt, Grand Rapids) Habits

32 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy HABITS Composting No more styrofoam Newsletters on email / Facebook mugs, fair trade Green cleaning Ink cartridge recycle Reusable shopping bag challenge (Boston Square, Grand Rapids) Habits

33 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Education

34 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair (Calvary Wyoming) Education

35 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class (Silver Spring) Education

36 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class Blog - (Campus Chapel, Ann Arbor) Education

37 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class Blog Bulletin / newsletter tips (Crossroads) Education

38 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class Blog Bulletin / newsletter tips Earthwise study (Bellevue) Education

39 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class Blog Bulletin / newsletter tips Earthwise study Deacon’s stewardship statement (Bellevue) Education

40 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class Blog Bulletin / newsletter tips Earthwise study Deacon’s stewardship statement Tutorials: beekeeping, worm composting, native planting (Covenant, Sioux Center) Education

41 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy EDUCATION Fair Trade Fair Adult Sunday school class Blog Bulletin / newsletter tips Earthwise study Deacon’s stewardship statement Tutorials: beekeeping, worm composting, native planting Creation Care Camp (Covenant, Sioux Center) Education

42 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy ADVOCACY Advocacy

43 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy ADVOCACY “Step It Up 2007” (Campus Chapel, Ann Arbor) Advocacy

44 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy ADVOCACY “Step It Up 2007” Meeting with the Mayor about wind energy (Covenant, Sioux Center) Advocacy

45 WorshipFellowshipBuildings and GroundsOutreachHabitsEducation Advocacy ADVOCACY “Step It Up 2007” Meeting with the Mayor County-wide Environmental Initiatives Committee participation (Covenant, Sioux Center) Advocacy

46 So get started! Complete the “How Green Is My Church?” worksheet. Start a study group or teach a Sunday school class. Participate in our Lent Meditations and Actions (stay tuned!). Begin at home!

47 Need help? Share ideas and support one another on our social networking site. Get materials, ideas, and help from the Congregational Justice Mobilizer. Check out the resources at

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