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By Theresa Taderera Out and up Page 1 >introductionintroduction Page 2 > assault course Page 3> what we dowhat we do Page 4 > café Page 5> map> map Page.

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Presentation on theme: "By Theresa Taderera Out and up Page 1 >introductionintroduction Page 2 > assault course Page 3> what we dowhat we do Page 4 > café Page 5> map> map Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Theresa Taderera Out and up Page 1 >introductionintroduction Page 2 > assault course Page 3> what we dowhat we do Page 4 > café Page 5> map> map Page 6> openings and timeopenings and time Page 7 > data> data

2 introduction An assault course (also called trim trail) is a special sort of trail that combines running and exercising. It was more popular in the 1970s than it is now. It is heavily used in military training. The prime use is to evaluate progress and weaknesses within the team involve

3 Assault course

4 What we do

5 cafe

6 Map

7 Opening days/time DayOpensClosed Monday9:00 am7:30 pm Tuesday9:00 am7:30 pm Wednesday9:00 am7:30 pm Thursday9:00 am7:30 pm Friday9:00 am7:30 pm Saturday8:30 am6:00 pm Sunday7:00 am5:30 pm

8 data

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