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Curriculum Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Presentation
Talk about background, qualifications & expertise…… Curriculum Presentation Dr. Amy Warke Assistant Superintendent of Learning & Instruction

2 Purpose of Meeting Develop common understandings around curriculum and instruction Correct misinformation Increase transparency Introductory notes.

3 Curriculum Development
Curriculum Development Philosophy Awareness Development Implementation Refinement Sustainability Flossmoor 161 Timeline Discuss buy-in. Schedule, how this is being accomplished….

4 Where we were……. Illinois Learning Standards 1997
Inch deep and mile wide-coverage ISAT Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.

5 Where are we going? Common Core State Standards
English Language Arts & Math Soon to be Released: Next Generation Science Standards Social Science Standards June of Need to be prepared for PARCC in Recommendations to have teach for a full year prior to next generation tests. Demands of the common core, shifts and changes in instructional practices

6 How is learning and teaching changed with the CCSS
Conceptual Understandings Focus on process not getting the right answer Incorporating 8 Mathematical Practices ELA-Close Read, Informational Text, Writing Depth of Knowledge

7 How do we measure? Currently ISAT 2014 PARCC Assessment Local Data MAP
Common Assessments A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media.

8 ACE Program Clarifications
Previous Services Current Services “Up-leveling”

9 Curriculum Mapper Software
Collaborative Learning, Inc. Initial Cost: $60,985.00 4 year subscription, $15, per year Benefits of software Areas of opportunity Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.

10 Flossmoor School District 161
21st Century Learning Flossmoor School District 161 Organizing and Managing School-Wide Data Implement Common Core Develop Common Assessments Alignment of Data and Instruction Investigate Homework and Grading Practices Communicate and Manage Initiatives

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