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Starring : Renee Liew as Munchies Wesley Pu as Wes Nathanael Lee as Nate Click to Move to Next Slide Pacifier Wars.

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Presentation on theme: "Starring : Renee Liew as Munchies Wesley Pu as Wes Nathanael Lee as Nate Click to Move to Next Slide Pacifier Wars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starring : Renee Liew as Munchies Wesley Pu as Wes Nathanael Lee as Nate Click to Move to Next Slide Pacifier Wars


3 M: Hey Nate, that’s a cool pacifier. Where u get it? Toys R Us?

4 M: Neh! Neh! If u don’t pass me that pacifier, I won’t fren U!

5 N: Noooo I can’t give it to u. Its too precious. Get your own!

6 M: I’m gonna take it!

7 N: Okies okies, pls give it back Munch. I want u to be my fren.

8 ... Not wanting to loose a fren, Nate quickly called Wes to meet him at the mall for a quick brain storm on what to do next...

9 W: Hey bro, why u so depress? Tears seems to be fallin’

10 W: Come on, don’t cry, its not like it’s the end of the world...

11 W: Here, let me pray with you

12 W: An Idea! This is what u tell Munch...

13 W: Whisper to her and when she comes close...

14 W: Give her a Kiss!!!

15 N: U really think that will work?

16 W: Yes Nate, Just Do It!

17 W: Err, I’ve got something to tell u, can u come closer?

18 M: What is it? N: Well… u see … err

19 (N thinking: I can’t bring myself to do it, its just tooo much)

20 N: We hug and make up okies? Be frens again?

21 N: Pastor says no kissing. We’re too young, so just a hug yah!

22 FRIENDS AGAIN N: And I got back my pacifier!

23 T H E E N D nate munch wesley

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