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Happy Mother’s day I love you mother love FAITH and ANTHONY AND ONE OF THE BEST MOM’S IN THE WORLD.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Mother’s day I love you mother love FAITH and ANTHONY AND ONE OF THE BEST MOM’S IN THE WORLD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Mother’s day I love you mother love FAITH and ANTHONY AND ONE OF THE BEST MOM’S IN THE WORLD

2 I love you mom pome  M most wanted mom by kids  O only key to my happiness  T totally cool  H hugest heart in the world  E elegant mom in the world  R rarest mother in the world

3 why I love you  You let me on the computer  You can’t bake  You take me to the moves  You take me to the movies  You are getting married  You are not going to get me to move schools

4 FAITH BUNKO  I have a best friend like Caitlyn.  I have a brother named Anthony.  I have ONE of the bet mom’s in the world.  I have a best friend named Brooke.  I have a home to live in.


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