Shahin Tehranchi Zhuoting Liao Mark Strickland Nima Vahdat

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Presentation on theme: "Shahin Tehranchi Zhuoting Liao Mark Strickland Nima Vahdat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shahin Tehranchi Zhuoting Liao Mark Strickland Nima Vahdat
Porsche Exposed Fin 570 – Greco May 7, 2009 Shahin Tehranchi Zhuoting Liao Mark Strickland Nima Vahdat

2 Company Background Ferdinand Porsche, 1930 Development & Consulting
Long term Relationship with VW During WWII designed for military tanks 356 production designed in 1948 Porsche AG and Porsche SE CEO Dr. Wendelin Wiedeking

3 Porsche’s Expanding Platforms and Growing Sales
3 Porsche Models Units Source: Thunderbird

4 Case Summary 40% of sales in the United States 2.2B Euros at risk
Purchased put options in 2000 Expected US $ to depreciate Hedging profits increasing Cash 1.76 Billion Euros

5 Porsche Foreign Exchange Rate Exposure
2002 United Kingdom United States Automaker Sales Production BMW 11% 15% 26% Fiat 6% 0% Mercedes 9% 19% 7% Peugeot 12% Porsche 42% Renault 1% Volkswagen 13% Source: Thunderbird

6 Financial Statement Consolidated Income Statement (millions of Euros)
2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 Net Sales 4,441 4,857 5,582 Gross Profit 1,347 1,822 2,451 EBITDA 680 1,077 1,297 Op Profit 547 798 905 Net Income 271 463 565 EPS 15.51 26.47 32.29

7 Comparative Hedging Automaker 2003 (estimate) 2004 (estimate)
BMW 90% 70% 35% Mercedes 60% 30% Porsche 100% Volkswagen 40% Source: Thunderbird

8 Historical Exchange Rates

9 911 - Break Even Analysis Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Euro Price 85,900 Euro Margin 15.7% Euro Cost 72,414 USD/EURO Spot rate 1.0862 1.1676 1.287 1.391 Target USD Price 93,200 Euro Rev 85,804 79,822 67,002 15.6% 9.3% 0% -8.1%

10 Current Hedging Strategy
100% hedged against USD depreciation Forecast sales and exposures out three years Three-year rolling portfolio of put options

11 Financial Effects Year EBIT margin Treasury margin 1995/96 3.5% -2.6%
1996/97 6.5% -3.0% 1997/98 7.4% -.9% 1998/99 9.6% 2.2% 1999/00 1.7% 2000/01 3.9% 2001/02 7.0% 5.2% 2002/03 2003/04 10.0% Source: Thunderbird

12 Issue Is there a better long-term currency exposure management strategy out there for Porsche?

13 Issue Importance and Urgency Matrix
Low High Urgency BASIC Pricing Pressures I. Quality II. Market Share III. Corporate Focus IV. Low High

14 Cause and Effect Diagram
Profitability Hedging Strategy Corporate Focus BASIC Product Mix Transparency

15 Issue Importance and Urgency Matrix
Low High Urgency IMMEDIATE Production I. Financing Strategy II. Product Mix III. Exchange Rate Risk IV. Low High

16 Cause and Effect Diagram
Transaction Exposure Currency Fluctuation Exchange Rate Risk IMMEDIATE Pricing Strategy Profitability

17 Decision Criteria Currency Risk Cost Management Style Market Share
Cash Flow Flexibility

18 Alternative Hedging Strategies
Natural Hedge Exchange Rate Pass-Through Currency Swaps Forward Contract Put Options (current strategy)

19 Assumptions USD will depreciate Porsche is debt averse
Hedge to mitigate risk Pricing strategy Foreign sales expected to increase

20 Natural Hedge Costs Match Sales Initial Investment Sales Decline Best
Most Likely Initial Investment Worst Sales Decline

21 Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Best Constant Demand Most Likely Market Share Loss Worst Customer Rejection

22 Currency Swaps US sales match US debt Slight Principal Variance
Best US sales match US debt Most Likely Slight Principal Variance Worst Counterparty Default

23 Forward Contract USD Significantly Depreciates USD Appreciates
Best USD Significantly Depreciates Most Likely Slight Variance Worst USD Appreciates

24 Put Options Significant Variance Slight Variance F = S Best
Most Likely Slight Variance Worst F = S

25 Recommendation Hybrid Strategy Forward Contract Put Option

26 Rationale Forward Contract Put Option
Purchase high percentage of forecasted US sales (85 – 95%) Lower cost Put Option Purchase remainder of forecasted US Sales Flexible

27 Resolution Currency risk mitigated
Cost minimized from current hedging strategy Continued potential for profit if USD continues to depreciate

28 Porsche Today Has $20 Billion in capital 12% Profits are from cars
Net profit of $11.6 Billion is higher than Total Car Sales of $10.2 Billion Owns 50% of VW stock and plans to own 74% by end of 2009 Produces 100,000 cars per year Bankers and Hedge fund managers

29 Thank You! Questions?

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