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1 © 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Insuring Your Health #9

2 Importance of Health Insurance Protect against economic loss in the event of serious accidents or illnesses Protect against rising cost of health care –which is outpacing other costs

3 Historical Trends in Health Insurance Costs

4 Health Insurance Plans Private Insurance Plans Available to individuals or families Provided as group health insurance plans through various employers

5 Traditional Indemnity Plans Called fee-for-service plans Typically offer unlimited choice of doctors and hospitals Pay deductible plus a percentage of eligible costs Reimbursements based on “usual, customary and reasonable” (UCR) charges Health care services separate from insurer

6 Managed Care Plans Monthly payments made directly to health care providers Designated doctors and hospitals provide services Hold down costs by controlling amount of care provided and emphasizing prevention Charge monthly fees plus copayments

7 Types of Managed Care Plans Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Group HMOs provide services for members from a central facility Individual Practice Associations (IPAs) contract with physicians who operate out of their own offices and community hospitals

8 Types of Managed Care Plans Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) - Provide broader network of “approved” physicians and allow use of out-of-network providers at higher copay Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPOs) - Members use affiliated providers or bear entire cost out of pocket Point-of-Service Plans - Reimburse members similar to indemnity plan when providers are outside of network

9 Blue Cross/Blue Shield Plans Prepaid hospital and medical expense plans rather than insurance Originally non-profit, but now organized as for-profit independent corporations Blue Cross acts as intermediary between groups that want healthcare and physicians who contract to provide their services

10 Government Health Insurance Plans Possibility of National Health Care Debate includes the possibility of health care under the government’s control Some government health care plans have been in place for some time

11 Government Health Insurance Plans Medicare program Administered by Social Security Available to qualified people 65 and older and to those receiving SS disability benefits Funded by payroll taxes paid by employers, employees and the self-employed

12 Components of Medicare Part A—Basic hospital insurance Free for those qualified Covers hospital room and board, other inpatient and outpatient care Deductibles apply, amounts vary according to length of stay Part B—Supplementary medical insurance Optional coverage available for a premium if eligible for Part A Covers doctors, surgeons, lab tests, x- rays, and other services, including some home health care

13 Medicaid State-run public assistance program for those unable to pay for health care –Federal government provides some funding Eligibility and levels of coverage vary by state

14 Premiums paid by employers for workers injured on the job State administered; coverage varies Coverage includes: Medical, rehabilitation expenses Disability income Lump-sum payments for death, dismemberment Second-injury funds Workers’ Compensation Insurance

15 Health Insurance Decisions  Evaluate healthcare cost risk, consider: –Medical care and rehabilitation expenses –Loss of income from disability  Determine available coverage and resources  Choose a health insurance plan

16 Medical Expense Coverage and Policy Provisions Hospitalization Pays a portion of per-day room and board charges Use of hospital facilities Selected other services

17 Medical Expense Coverage and Policy Provisions Surgical expenses Pays cost of surgery in or out of hospital Not all procedures are covered –such as cosmetic or experimental surgery Physician expenses Pays physician fees for nonsurgical hospital care Includes consultation with specialists and lab tests

18 Medical Expense Coverage and Policy Provisions Major medical insurance Broad coverage for illnesses and catastrophic injuries May have lifetime limits Comprehensive major medical Combines major medical with basic hospital, surgical and physicians expense coverage Through group plans with low deductible

19 Dental services: Covers necessary dental care and some dental injuries. Mostly offered through group insurance plans. Medical Expense Coverage and Policy Provisions

20 Other Types of Health Plans Accident policies Cover certain accidents Sickness and dread disease policies Coverage limited to specific disease or illness Hospital income policies Guarantee a per-diem for hospital stays

21 Policy Provisions of Medical Expense Plans Deductible Initial amount not covered Determined on a calendar-year or per-incident basis Participation (Coinsurance): Company pays a portion of medical expenses after a deductible Plan may include a stop-loss provision to cap out-of-pocket expenses

22 Policy Provisions of Medical Expense Plans Internal limits Limits amount paid on certain items to usual, customary, and reasonable charges even if cost is within the norms Coordination of benefits Eliminates double payment when coverage provided under more than one policy

23 Terms of Coverage Persons and places covered Cancellation Preexisting conditions Pregnancy and abortion Mental illness Rehabilitation coverage Continuation of group coverage (COBRA)

24 Cost Containment Provisions for Medical Expense Plans  Preadmission certification  Continued stay review  Second surgical opinions  Waiver of coinsurance  Limitation of insurer’s responsibility

25 Long-Term Care Insurance Provides for delivery of medical and personal care, other than hospitalization, to persons with chronic medical conditions in nursing home, assisted living community, or patient’s home

26 Do You Need Long-Term Care Insurance? Do you have many assets to preserve for dependents? Can you afford the premiums? Is there a family history of disabling disease? What is your gender? Do you have family who can care for you?

27 Long-Term Care Provisions and Costs Type of care Eligibility requirements Services covered Waiting period Daily benefits Renewability Benefit duration Preexisting conditions Inflation protection Premium levels

28 Typical Provisions in Long- Term Care Insurance Policies

29 How to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance Buy the policy while you are healthy Buy the right types of coverage, but not more than needed Understand what the policy covers and when it pays benefits

30 Disability Income Insurance Provides families with weekly or monthly payments to replace income lost when insured is unable to work due to an illness, injury or disease

31 Estimating Disability Income Insurance Needs

32 Disability Insurance Provisions and Costs Definition of disability - “own occupation" Benefit amount and duration Probationary period Waiting period Renewability Other features - (COLA), guaranteed insurability option, and waiver of premium

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