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Eastern Europe in the Age of Absolutism: Brandenburg-Prussia & Austria AP European History.

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Presentation on theme: "Eastern Europe in the Age of Absolutism: Brandenburg-Prussia & Austria AP European History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eastern Europe in the Age of Absolutism: Brandenburg-Prussia & Austria AP European History

2 Eastern Europe: Land of lords and peasants ► ► In Eastern Europe: powerful nobility, weak middle class, serfs   1400 – 1650: Serfdom reintroduced by princes and “landed nobility” ► Due to population decline as a result of the PLAGUE  Lords solve econ. problems by exploiting serfs (peasants) - ► By 1500 – serfs throughout East  Lords take peasant lands – enslave serfs  Restrictions on movement – runaways hunted!  Demands made for unpaid serf labor

3 Political Reasons for Serfdom ► Weak monarchs could not resist powerful lords ► Kings don’t protect peasants ► Peasants had less political power in Eastern Europe ► Uprisings failed BUT STRONG KINGS ARISE... (the point of our story!!!!)

4 AUSTRIA rises in 17 th century!!! ► Problems: struggles with Turks / 30 Years’ War / Internal Issues (fighting btw. nationalities) ► 30 Years’ War failed to renew HRE – but -  Protestants wiped out, 1620 at White Mountain – centralization under Catholicism ► (nobility decimated so lands given to soldiers!)  Ferdinand III creates standing army (1637-57) ► Now – Austria turns East for land


6 ► Ottomans – from central Asia to Turkey (Anatolia) – followers of Islam – determined foes of Catholic Hapsburgs ► The Sultanate – peaks 1520-1566  Under Suleiman the Magnificent  Sultan was absolute head of state ► Little private property – except slaves ► Male children in conquered Christian lands in Balkans! (Janissaries) ► Habsburg Victory  Final Turk attack on Vienna in the 17 th century - turned back in 1683 (Polish king – Sobieski helps);  Treaty of Karlowitz, 1699 = Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia & Slovenia incorporated into Austrian Empire  “Sick man of Europe” = beginning of the end for Turkey in late 17 th century Austria and the Turks

7 Hussar, King Sobieski (Poland), Pancerni, Light Calvary, Dragoon, Infantry, Ensign, Infantry Officer Deli, bannerat, visir, porte-wuntschuk, spahi, artillery, janissary, peik, captain of Janissaries, solak


9 Austrian Power ► Habsburg Family Possessions  Austria – Bohemia – Hungary  Union of rulers: not law or people --- Slavs, Hungarians, Croats, Serbs, Romanians, Czechs, Poles, Italians, Germans ► Pragmatic Sanction, 1713  Declared by Charles VI (1711-1740) ► Hitherto, only males can rule HRE ► BUT he has no son – only daughter Maria Theresa  SO -- argued for no division of Austrian properties; land should be passed intact to a single heir = Maria Theresa = Empress of Austria, 1740; her husband, Francis-Stephen of Lorraine elected HREmperor, 1745

10 An Eastern European Anomaly: Brandenburg – Prussia 1640168817131740 Frederick William Frederick III (King Frederick I) Frederick William I ► Hohenzollern Family  AT FIRST “Elected” to lead as “first among equals” BUT the Elector of Brandenburg is relatively “helpless” ► SO prestige without power BUT  In 1614 inherits territory on the Rhine  In 1618 inherits Prussia from cousin  By 1640 Frederick William will raise Brandenburg- Prussia to new heights *stronger absolutism than Austria *unites German people in 19 th century!!!


12 Frederick William - The Great Elector 1640-1688 Devastation of 30 Years’ War helps Fred. Wm. increase family power over Estates (aka Nobility) weakened by war family power over Estates (aka Nobility) weakened by war  Ignored traditional representative rights: RULED ABSOLUTE LY  Used military force and taxation to: ► Weaken the (feudal) Estates: Junkers ► Weaken the authority of towns  Example: Opposition leader in Königsberg was simply arrested and imprisoned for life!

13 Frederick William - The Great Elector  Permanent Standing Army est. 1660-1688 ► War Commissariat = oversaw taxation, growth and training for military / eventually became a branch of civil gov’t. that directly answered to the Elector  Permanent taxation without consent  Soldiers doubled as tax collectors and policeman ► Revenue triples ► In 1688, Prussia had 1 million people; 30,000 person permanent army -- and was at peace ► Many soldiers French Huguenot immigrants – welcomed as hard workers

14 Frederick William, The Great Elector ► But – needs war for unity --- so:  Fighting Sweden / Poland over Baltic  Fighting Louis XIV’s expansionism  Fighting Tartars of Crimea

15 King Frederick I, 1688-1713  “the ostentatious” - Weak imitator of Louis XIV  Granted title of King by Holy Roman Emperor in 1701 (after helping with War of Spanish Succession!)

16 Characteristics of Prussian Bureaucracy  Efficient  Honest  Successful  Paradoxically, most militaristic BUT almost always at peace!!!  “Sparta of the North” rigidity / discipline / obedience “to keep quiet is the first civic duty”  Tried to develop the economy

17 King Frederick William I, 1713-1740 ► Fuses Prussian bureaucracy and militarism  1740 army = 80,000 men  Separate laws for military and civilians!!  Officer corps (remember these are primarily Junkers) = highest ranking social class ► Monarchy and Junkers join together to form a unified political entity  HOWEVER Frederick William I uses the military as a Prussian unifier NOT to wage foreign wars!!

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