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Enterprise Analysis Understand the organizational context Functional areas/management levels affected by the system Overview of the business objects and.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Analysis Understand the organizational context Functional areas/management levels affected by the system Overview of the business objects and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Analysis Understand the organizational context Functional areas/management levels affected by the system Overview of the business objects and processes Organizational structure chart Workflow diagrams Enterprise object model

2 Work Flow Diagrams Model Internal and external entities and flow of data (typically in documents) between them –simple technique for identifying the high-level processes Workflow between internal entities, between internal and external entities No workflow between external entities Different from DFDs –WFD: require only nouns –DFD: both nouns and verbs (process)

3 User-level WFD –models entities and workflows described by single user –presents a single user’s view point but includes more than one entity and can model workflows across functional areas –discover formal as well as informal flows of information Combined user level WFD –integrated view of all entities and workflows –identify inconsistencies in user-level WFDs –reveals redundancies, inefficiencies –can be used to identify high level business processes each internal entity performs a process to generate flows to and process flows from external entities. flows between internal entities can also indicate a major process –can be used to define system boundaries

4 Organizational level WFD –collapse all internal entities in combined user-level WFD, into a single internal entity –external entities and the flow of information between the organization and external entities –Context level DFD

5 Customer Sales Agent Sales order Processing Clerk Workflow diagrams model internal and external entities and work flows Sales Order Form Ordered Items Invoice

6 Customer 1.0 Take Order 2.0 Process Order Dataflow diagrams model the processes performed by internal entities. Customer data, ordered items data Invoice Data Sales Order Data

7 Enterprise Object Model Business Objects –roles (teacher), places ( warehouse) –things (items, books) –transactions (payment, registration) –events (graduation) Data driven approach –What objects are made up of? Event driven approach –What an object does Every entity and workflow in combined user-level WFD is likely to be a candidate class Classes are grouped into subjects to form enterprise Object model “ Subject” - group of related class

8 Bebop Records is a mail-order company that distributes CDs and tapes at discount prices to record club members. When an order processing clerk receives an order form, he or she verifies that the sender is a club member by checking The Member Master file. If the sender is not a member, the clerk returns the order alongwith the membership application form. If the sender is a member, the clerk verifies the order item data by checking the Item Master file. Then the clerk enters the order data and saves it to Daily Orders file. The clerk also prints an invoice and shipping list for each order, which are forwarded to Order Fulfillment 1. Create a user-level workflow diagram to document the entities and workflows. 2. List the classes. Create an enterprise object model that groups these classes into following subjects:things,roles, organizational units

9 Order Processing Clerk Order Fulfillment Club Member Non-Member Invoice Shipping List Order Form Membership Application Form Returned Order Form Bebop Records WFD Order Form

10 Enterprise Object Model Things: –Membership application forms –Order form –Invoice –Shipping List Organizational Units: –Order Processing –Order fulfillment Roles : –Order Processing clerk –Club Member –Non-Member –Order Fulfillment Clerk

11 Delta Products Corporation is a major vendor of office supplies, furniture and equipment. Delta’s sales representatives call on customers to take orders. The sales rep write up the orders and turn them in to a sales order processing (SOP) clerk at the regional center. If the order items are in stock, the SOP clerk prepares a picking slip and packing list for each order. If any of the ordered items are out of stock, the SOP clerk completes an out of stock Notice forms, which notes the number of customer requiring the items and forwards it to Purchasing. A Purchasing clerk then completes a purchase order,which is mailed to a supplier. The SOP clerk notes back-ordered items on the customer’s order and forwards a copy of annotated customer order to Accounts receivable, where a A/R clerk prepares an invoice and sends it to the customer. The SOP clerk also forwards a picking slip and packing list to the warehouse, where stock price pickers fill the order,placing ordered items into boxes alongwith the packing list. The boxed items and packing list are held for delivery, usually via UPS. 1. Create a user level work flow diagram. 2. Analyze the workflow diagram to identify major processes. 3. Create an organizational-level work flow diagram 4. Create an enterprise object model that group classes in Delta’s order processing system into subjects based on functional areas (e.g..SOP,Purchasing, A/R,etc)

12 Sales Rep SOP Clerk Purchasing Account Receivable Warehouse Customer UPS Supplier Packing List Packing Slip/ Packing List Purchase Order Out of Stock Notice Form Written Sales Order Sales Calls Orders Invoice Annotated Customer Order Delta Products WFD

13 Major Processes Take orders Process Orders Bill Customers Fill Orders Ship Order Purchase Stock

14 Organizational level Workflow Diagram: Customers UPS Supplier Sales Order Processing Invoice Packing List Sales Calls OrderPurchase Order

15 Enterprise Object Model Sales Order PurchasingAccountsOrder ProcessingReceivableFulfillment - Sales Rep- Out of stock- Sales Order- Picking List - Customer Notice Form- Invoice- Packing Slip - SOP Clerk- Purchasing Clerk- Customer- Stock Picker - Sales Order- Purchase Order- Annotated Cust.- Item - Picking slip- Supplier Order- Shipping - Packing list- Item- Accts. Receivable- Warehouse - Out of stock Clerk Notice form- Item - Item

16 ( A) Workflow Diagram (B) Enterprise Object Model -- group objects into subjects based on 1. Process Time Cards 2. Prepare Paychecks Workstudy employees in each university dept. provide their secretary with their weekly timecards. The dept. secretary accesses the employees hourly rate from Employee Payroll file and prepares a weekly time sheet that lists each employee’s name, SSN, total hours worked and hourly rate. Then the department secretary files the timecards in time card history folder and gives the time sheet to the dept chair. If everything seems to be in order, the dept chair signs the timesheet and forwards it to the University payroll department. If any figure son the time sheet are unacceptable, the chair returns the sheet to the secretary, who verifies the figures and again gives the time sheet to the dept.chair. In the payroll dept, a clerk calculates gross payroll earnings for each employee and then writes the earnings on the timesheet and updates the year to date gross earnings figure for each employee in the employee’s file.( Note: Work-study students have been allocated a set figure, e.g.,$1500, that represents their total allowed gross earnings for a year ). Then the clerk accesses the Employee Payroll file to determine the employee's tax status and authorized deductions. The clerk prepares the payroll checks which are forwarded to the employees. The processed time sheet is filled in a Time Sheet History for each pay period.

17 Work Study Employees Dept. Secy. Payroll Dept. Chair Weekly timecards Timesheet Unacceptable timesheet Corrected timesheet Approved timesheet Payroll checks

18 PROCESS PREPARE TIME CARDSPAYCHECK - Work-Study Employee- Work- Study Employee - Time Card- Timesheet - Timesheet- Payroll Clerk - Secretary- Paycheck - Dept. Chair

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