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Angle Relationships Vocabulary

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1 Angle Relationships Vocabulary
CCGPS Math 8

2 Intersecting Lines Lines that cross at exactly one point.

3 Perpendicular Lines Lines that intersect to form right angles.

4 Parallel Lines Lines in a plane which do not intersect.

5 Transversal A line which intersects two or more parallel lines.

6 Interior vs. Exterior Angles
Exterior- Outside the parallel lines. Interior- Inside the parallel lines.

7 Congruent Having the same size and shape.

8 Alternate Interior Angles
Angles on opposite sides of the transversal on the inside of the parallel lines

9 Alternate Exterior Angles
Angles on opposite sides of the transversal on the outside of the parallel lines

10 Same Side Interior Angles AKA Consecutive Interior
Angles on same side of the transversal on the inside of the parallel lines

11 Same Side Exterior Angles AKA Consecutive Exterior
Angles on the same side of the transversal on the outside of the parallel lines

12 Vertical Angles A pair of opposite angles formed by intersecting lines

13 Corresponding Angles A pair of angles in the same relative position. One interior, one exterior.

14 Adjacent Angles Angles which share a common vertex and a common side.

15 Linear Pair Two angles which are adjacent and supplementary.

16 Supplementary Angles Two angles which have a sum of 180°

17 Complementary Angles Two angles which measures have a sum of 90°.

18 Skew Lines Lines that are not parallel and lie in two different planes.

19 Similar Identical in shape, although not necessarily the same size.

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