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The Victory Mark 16.1 – 8 The Facts Do we believe them? 1 Cor 15.1-8 Does it really matter? Romans 10.9 Without the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "The Victory Mark 16.1 – 8 The Facts Do we believe them? 1 Cor 15.1-8 Does it really matter? Romans 10.9 Without the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Victory

3 Mark 16.1 – 8 The Facts Do we believe them? 1 Cor 15.1-8 Does it really matter? Romans 10.9 Without the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ there is no Christianity

4 Do We Believe? The physical resurrection He carries the marks of Calvary still Luke 24.13-40 Emmaus Road John 20.19-20; 24-29 Thomas

5 Does It Matter? If Christ is not risen – 1 Corinthians 15.12-19 Our preaching is in vain (verse 14) Our faith is in vain (verse 14) Our witness is lies (verse 15) Our sins are still on us (verse 17)

6 If Christ is not risen – 1 Corinthians 15.12-19 Those gone before us have perished (verse 18) We are the most pitiful (verse 19)

7 If Christ is risen – It verifies our justification (Romans 4.24 - 25) It demonstrates our power (Ephesians 1.18-20) It gives us our hope (1 Peter 1.3 - 4) It demands our loyalty (Romans 14.9)

8 GOD’S POINT OF VIEW The Resurrection is unique Aaron’s rod that budded Hebrews 9.4 Numbers 17

9 GOD’S POINT OF VIEW Tabernacle system speaks of Christ Background of disobedience and rebellion Aaron’s rod typifies the resurrection 1 Timothy 2.5 - 6 Budsresurrection BlossomsauthorityJohn 3.35-36 Almondsfruit Matthew 28.18-20

10 The impact of the resurrection – Galatians 2.20 The believer must never lose sight of its significance The unbeliever needs to examine its significance

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