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The Risen Christ The Vineyard Church Mid-Peninsula

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1 The Risen Christ The Vineyard Church Mid-Peninsula

2 Acts 1:3 During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God.

3 Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9 + John 20:11-18 She was the first person to see the risen Christ She did not recognize Him until He called Her name.

4 Salome And Mary The Mother Of James Matt. 28:9-10 They left Mary Magdalene at the tomb. They recognized Him They worshipped Him

5 2 Men On The Road To Emmaus Luke 24:13-32 This is later on the same day. (Possibly 4-5 hours after sunrise) They did not recognize Jesus Immediately Jesus revealed Himself from the scriptures Their eyes were opened when He blessed the bread and broke it.

6 He Appeared To The Apostles Without Thomas Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-25 Sunday Night They were afraid and rationalized that He was a ghost. Jesus showed them His physical body He ate in front of them.

7 The Apostles With Thomas John 20:26-29 8 days later Thomas was a materialist. He only believed in what could be explained in the material world by the 5 senses. Jesus revealed what Thomas’ thoughts even though He was not physically there to hear them. Jesus speaks of a blessing for those who do not need the proof Thomas required.

8 To 7 Disciples On The Shores Of The Sea Of Galilee John 21:1-25 Once again they did not recognize Him He reenacts a previous miracle where He had called them to follow Him. (Luke 5) He restores Peter

9 Appeared To The Apostles On A Mountain Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:15-18 This was a pre-arranged meeting This is where they were told to go into all the world and make disciples

10 Appeared To Over 500 Brethren 1 Corinthians 15:6 Paul writes about Jesus being seen by 500 people at one time. Many who were still alive at the time Paul was writing his letter.

11 He Eats A Meal With The Apostles Acts 1:3-8 Remain in Jerusalem until you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit They Holy Spirit is equated with power. They were to witness with that power. After the meal they walked to Bethany where He ascended

12 His Appearance To Paul Acts 9:1-6 Paul was antagonistic to the faith. Paul got knocked off his donkey Paul heard a voice and saw a light Paul became blind but then saw

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