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Bible Jeopardy CBS 100 Unit I Test Review. With Your Host: Moses Trebek.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible Jeopardy CBS 100 Unit I Test Review. With Your Host: Moses Trebek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible Jeopardy CBS 100 Unit I Test Review

2 With Your Host: Moses Trebek

3 Jeopardy Categories Major Players Geography Exodus Events Exodus Expressions Books of the T-o-r-a-h

4 (Main characters in Ex, Lev, Nu)

5 Major Players: 100 It is said that he “saw God face to face” Who is Moses?

6 Major Players: 200 First high priest of Israel, whose staff was placed into the Ark Who is Aaron?

7 Major Players: 300 Played the tambourine to praise God following God’s Victory at the Sea of Reeds Who is Miriam?

8 Major Players: 400 Either he or God hardened his heart and would not let God’s people go (give NAME and TITLE) Who was Pharaoh Ramses II?

9 Major Players: 500 The main actor in the Exodus- Covenant- Conquest adventure Who is the LORD, YHWH?

10 Geography

11 Geography: 100 Area where Pharaoh rules and is considered a god What is Egypt?

12 Geography: 200 Two names for mountain where the Mosaic covenant was forged What are Sinai and Horeb?

13 Geography: 300 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE The geographic location shown on the map


15 Geography: 300 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE What is the Jordan River?

16 Geography: 400 Region in Egypt where the Hebrews settled What is Goshen?

17 Geography: 500 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE The geographic location shown on the map What is Mt. Sinai (Horeb)? X

18 Exodus Events bleep

19 Exodus Events : 100 Ten or seven disasters that befell Egypt before Pharaoh would release the slaves What are Plagues?

20 Exodus Events : 200 Ten “words” given by God to Moses at Mt. Sinai/Horeb What is the Decalogue?

21 Exodus Events : 300 Love relationship between God & Israel begun at Mt Sinai/Horeb What is the (Mosaic) covenant?

22 Exodus Events : 400 Place where Moses fled into exile What is Midian?

23 Exodus Events : 500 The names mean “Test” and “Quarrel”; where YHWH provided water from a rock in Ex 17 What is Massah and Meribah?

24 Exodus Expressions

25 Exodus Expressions : 100 Worshiped by the Israelites while Moses was on the mountain What is a golden calf?

26 Exodus Expressions : 200 Bread eaten by the Israelites in the desert What is manna?

27 Exodus Expressions : 300 The dried body of water crossed by the Israelites to freedom What is the Sea of Reeds?

28 Exodus Expressions : 400 Ritual animal who carries the peoples’ sins into the desert What is a scape goat?

29 Exodus Expressions : 500 Ritual cleansing that removes defilement What is purification?

30 Books of T-o-r-a-h Answers must be s-p-e-l-l-e-d (correctly)!

31 Books of T-o-r-a-h : 100 Book whose name means, “the road out.” What is E-x-o-d-u-s?

32 Books of T-o-r-a-h : 200 Fourth book of the Pentateuch What is N-u-m-b-e-r-s ?

33 Books of T-o-r-a-h : 300 Book that reflects on the pre- history of Israel, before the Exodus What is G-e-n-e-s-i-s?

34 Books of T-o-r-a-h : 400 Only Book of the Pentateuch that contains material from the D Source. What is D-e-u-t-e-r-o- n-o-m-y ?

35 Books of T-o-r-a-h : 500 Third book of the Torah; it is named for the tribe Moses belonged to. What is L-e-v-i-t-i-c-u-s ?

36 Double Jeopardy Categories Minor Players Geography Exodus Expressions If Not Moses, Who? Don’t Forget the Feasting

37 (More common folk in Ex, Lev, Nu) Minor Players

38 Minor Players: 200 Father of Zipporah, a priest of Midian Who is Jethro or Reuel?

39 Minor Players: 400 Two midwives to the Israelites; they defied the orders of Pharaoh Who are Shiprah and Puah?

40 Minor Players: 600 Two spies; they encouraged the Israelites to enter the Promised Land Who are Joshua and Caleb?

41 Minor Players: 800 Seer who was sent to curse the Israelites but instead blessed them Who is Balaam?

42 Minor Players: 1000 Two Israelites from the tribe of Reuben; they rebelled against Moses Who are Dathan and Abiram?

43 Geography

44 Geography: 200 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE The geographic region shown on the map What is Goshen? X

45 Geography: 400 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE The geographic feature indicated by the red arrow on the map What is the Nile?

46 Geography: 600 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE The location shown by the X on the map What is Midian? X

47 Geography: 800 VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE The location shown by the dot on the map; the first stop on Israel’s Exodus What is Succoth?

48 Geography: 1000 Where Israel spent most of her time in the desert; where the spies were sent from What is Kadesh- Barnea?

49 Exodus Expressions

50 Exodus Expressions 200 Container that held the tablets of the Decalogue and Aaron’s staff What is the Ark of the Covenant?

51 Exodus Expressions 400 Means “Divine manifestation”; in Exodus, this happened at least twice at Mt. Sinai/Horeb What is a theophany?

52 Exodus Expressions 600 A section of laws found in Leviticus about what is clean or unclean What is the Holiness Code?

53 Exodus Expressions 800 A section of ethical laws found in Exodus just after the first giving of the Decalogue What is the Covenant Code?

54 Exodus Expression 1000 Someone dedicated to YHWH who drank no strong drink, didn’t cut their hair, and couldn’t come near a corpse What is a Nazarite?

55 If Not Moses, Who? (Writers in the Pentateuch)

56 If Not Moses, Who? 200 Likes to write about rituals and laws of worship Who is the Priestly (P) Source?

57 If Not Moses, Who? 400 Lived in the northern kingdom during the divided monarchy Who is the Elohist (E) Source?

58 If Not Moses, Who? 600 The oldest of the four major sources of the Torah/ Pentateuch Who is the Yahwist (J) Source?

59 If Not Moses, Who? 800 AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE Probably the author of Ex 14:19: Who is the Elohist (E) Source?

60 If Not Moses Who? 1000 The Source most likely to have written: “Thus God used to speak to Moses … as one speaks to a friend.” Who is the Yahwist (J Source)?

61 Feasting (Holy Days in the Hebrew Bible)

62 Feasting: 200 One day a week set aside for rest and worship What is the sabbath?

63 Feasting: 400 Fall harvest festival; commemorates the Israelites’ wandering in the desert What is the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths?

64 Feasting: 600 A day of fasting and repentence What is the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur?

65 Feasting: 800 Summer feast at grain harvest time; celebrates the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai What is Pentecost?

66 Feasting: 1000 The three Pilgrim feasts What are Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Booths?

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