Wordly Wise 14 Cut apart cards and match definitions with the words.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordly Wise 14 Cut apart cards and match definitions with the words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordly Wise 14 Cut apart cards and match definitions with the words

2 affordboastchord To be able to pay for. To be able to do. To give; to provide. -To talk with too much pride in oneself or in what one owns or has done; to brag. -To have and to take a proper pride in having. -An act of boasting. Three or more notes of music played together.

3 exceptionalfortunatefringe Unusually good.Lucky.An edge made of short lengths of material such as thread, used to decorate clothes, curtains, etc. An outside edge.

4 humblemeadowmelancholy Plain and simple. Not proud; modest. To bring down to defeat. A field of grass or wildflowers. Filled with sorrow; very sad. A state of sadness.

5 obstinatepleadplunge Not willing to give in; stubborn. To ask for something that is felt to be very important; to beg. To respond to a charge by a court of law. -to throw oneself into. To push or force quickly. To drop sharply. A sudden dive or fall.

6 relentsubmittrudge To become less strict.To give to someone to look over or decide about. To give in to someone or something. To walk slowly and heavily, as though with great effort.

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