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Luke 22-24. Luke 22 Luke 22:3“Satan entered into Judas” Elder McConkie said it was Satan himself (D.N.T.C. vol. 1, 701-02). Jesus Christ instituted the.

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1 Luke 22-24

2 Luke 22 Luke 22:3“Satan entered into Judas” Elder McConkie said it was Satan himself (D.N.T.C. vol. 1, 701-02). Jesus Christ instituted the Sacrament! (3 Nephi 18) “And they were filled.”

3 Commenting on this verse (3 Nephi 18:4-5) President George Q. Cannon wrote: “In our church numerous instances have occurred where… bread and wine (or water) have been partaken of as a meal, and not, as is usual when the Sacrament is passed in our general meetings, in the shape of small pieces of bread and a little sip of water… It seems from this that in partaking of this ordinance they satisfied their appetites – that is, they ate and drank until they were filled. This would be the proper manner to administer this ordinance now if circumstances permitted” (Editorial thoughts, passing the sacrament, The Juvenile Instructor, 32, Jan. 15 th, 1897).

4 Philo Dibble told Oliver B. Huntington of an occasion of 1838 in Far West, Missouri, during which “the Prophet Joseph Smith gave the people a true pattern. A pattern of the true manner of partaking of the sacrament. The people came together in the morning without their breakfast, to the bowery on the Public Square where there was prepared a plenty of good bread and a barrel of wine. The bread and wine was blessed, every person ate bread and drank wine as they wanted all day, with solemnity they commemorated the death and suffering of Jesus…No one was intoxicated during the day” (Diary of Oliver B. Huntington, 1847-1900, part 2, Provo, Utah, BYU Library, 1942, entry of September 1887).

5 How important is the Sacrament? The sacrament is the only ordinance of the Gospel that we do for ourselves more than once. “No more sacred ordinance is administered in the Church of Christ than the administration of the sacrament” (David O. McKay, C.R., April 1946, 112).

6 Why are Bread and Water Appropriate Symbols for the Sacrament? Bread and water are the two most basic elements to sustain life (D&C 89:14, 17). In a similar way, Jesus, who is the “bread of life” (John 6:35) and the “living water” (Jeremiah 17:3), is the basic element to sustain our spiritual life.

7 The Atonement Luke 22:39-44 2 nd Witness of a blood atonement - Mosiah 3:7 3 rd Witness of a blood atonement - D&C 19:18 “At the very moment, at the hour when the crisis came for him to offer up his life, the Father withdrew Himself, withdrew His spirit, and cast a veil over (Jesus). That is what made him sweat blood. If he had the power of God upon him, and a veil was cast over him, and he then plead with the Father not to forsake Him” (Brigham Young, JD, 3:206).

8 Luke 22:42 “Not my will, but thine be done!” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:2) Key word = submissive Luke 22:43 “An angel strengthened him!” God does not leave us alone!

9 Elder McConkie suggests it was “mighty Michael” {Adam} (McConkie, “Purifying Power,” 9). While we do not know with certainty the identity of this heaven- sent comforter, there are at least four reasons why it may indeed have been Adam. 1.He was a joint creator of this earth and father of mortal man. 2.He who triggered in part the need for the Atonement should now be the agent for mankind to assist Him who pled for its redemption. 3.Adam has a presiding role in the hierarchy of divine beings, since all “angels are under the direction of Michael or Adam. 4.Adam enjoyed a unique relationship with the Savior. The creation process and leading the heavenly forces in battle (Revelation 12:7).

10 Perhaps he was there to console him, to comfort him, to support him, maybe even to bless him (Tad R. Callister, The Infinite Atonement, 123- 24). No doubt this was one of those moments so sacred it was not to be recorded in the annals of man. Truman Madsen reminds us that the angel came “strengthening --- not delivering” (Madsen, “Olive Press,” 61).

11 “His Father looked on with great grief and agony over His Beloved Son, until there seems to have come a moment when even our Savior cried out in despair: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” “In that hour, I think I can see our dear father behind the veil looking upon these dying struggles until even He could not endure it any longer, and, like the mother who bids farewell to her dying child and has to be taken out of the room so as not to look upon the last struggles, so He bowed His head and hid in some part of His universe. His great heart almost breaking for the love that He had for His Son. Oh, in that moment when He might have saved His Son, I thank Him and praise Him that He did not fail us. I rejoice that He did not interfere and that His love for us made it possible for Him to endure to look upon the sufferings of His Son and give Him finally to us, our Savior and our Redeemer (Melvin J. Ballard, Crusader for Righteousness, 1966, 137).

12 “Without Him, without His sacrifice, we would have remained, and we would never have come glorified into His presence. And so this is what it cost, in part, for our Father in heaven to give the gift of His Son unto men” (Melvin R. Ballard, Melvin J. Ballard, Crusader for Righteousness, 1966, 137).

13 “Today Shalt Thou Be With Me in Paradise” Luke 23:43 Joseph Smith taught that “paradise” in this context meant the “world of spirits” (Teachings, 309).

14 “That They Might Understand the Scriptures” Luke 24:27, 32, 35 3 Nephi 23:14 “He commanded them to teach the things which he had expounded unto them.” To expound the scriptures is to speak, teach, write, and testify of Christ! v. 18 Some scholars believe that Cleopas was an uncle to Jesus Christ.

15 “Handle Me and See” Luke 24:36-39 When does Joseph Smith learn this? D&C 130:22-23

16 “He Took It and did Eat” Luke 24:42-43 Doctrine and Covenants 130:2 The sociality of heaven (Orson Pratt)

17 Orson Pratt has provided insight to some aspects of the condition of sociality that might be experienced in heaven. It is, indeed, comforting to know whence we came, and have a correct understanding in regard to our future. This interesting and most important knowledge is only to be obtained by divine revelation. God has abundantly revealed these things that man might rejoice in them. There are no people upon the earth who have so great reasons to rejoice as the Saints; for to them God has spoken, and plainly manifested much concerning both the past and the future; and hence, they know what kind of an existence to pray for, what blessings to hope for, and where they shall receive their everlasting inheritance.

18 A Saint, who is, one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc.; all of which were material. Indeed the Saints’ heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial material creation, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, where sorrowing, crying, pain and death will be known no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified, is the Saints’ eternal heaven. On it they expect to move and have their being, to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds……

19 “…indeed, matter and it qualities and properties are the only being or things with which they expect to associate. If they embrace the Father, they expect to embrace a glorified, immortal, spiritual, material Personage, if they embrace the Son of God, they expect to embrace a spiritual Being of material flesh and bones, whose image is in the likeness of the Father; if they enjoy the society of the Holy Ghost, they expect to behold a glorious spiritual Personage, a material body of spirit; if they associate with the spirits of men or angels, they expect to find them material” (Millennial Star, Vol. 28, 722, Nov. 17 th, 1866).

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