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Chapter 7 Plate Tectonics

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1 Chapter 7 Plate Tectonics
Test Review

2 Plate Tectonics When rock changes its shape due to stress, this reaction is called ____________________. deformation The stress that occurs when two tectonic plates collide is called ____________________. compression

3 Plate Tectonics _________________________ is the theory that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere. Plate tectonics The region where oceanic plates sink down into the asthenosphere is called a ___________. subduction zone

4 Plate Tectonics When Earth's magnetic poles change place, this is called a(n) ____________________ reversal. magnetic _________________________ are underwater mountain chains that run through Earth's ocean basins. Mid-ocean ridges

5 Plate Tectonics _________________________ is the process by which new oceanic lithosphere is created as older materials are pulled away. Sea-floor spreading The center of the Earth is called the ____________________. core

6 Plate Tectonics Anticlines and synclines are the result of ____________________. folding The ridge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean formed along a ____________________ boundary. divergent

7 Plate Tectonics Earth's ____________________ is liquid. outer core
_____ type of mountain is the only one that is formed by adding new material to the Earth's surface. volcanic

8 Plate Tectonics Mountains with sharp, jagged peaks, such as the Tetons, in western Wyoming, that are produced when sedimentary rock layers are tilted up by faulting are called ____ mountains. fault-block The Mariana trench is the deepest point in the oceans—11,033 m below sea level. This trench was formed at a ____ boundary, where one tectonic plate was subducted beneath the other. convergent

9 Plate Tectonics A ____ fault often results when opposing forces cause rock to break and move horizontally. strike-slip The type of fault that often results when rocks are pulled apart due to tension is called a _____. normal fault

10 Plate Tectonics When horizontal stress acts on a rock, ____ and ___form. synclines and anticlines When two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally, the boundary between them is called a _____. transform boundary

11 Plate Tectonics ____ is the process by which hot material from deep within the Earth rises while cooler material near the surface sinks. Convection Wegener's continental drift theory suggests that at 245 million years a single landmass was surrounded by a sea called _____. Panthalassa

12 Plate Tectonics The North American plate consists _____.
of both continental and oceanic crust The thinnest part of a tectonic plate lies beneath _____. the middle of the ocean There are_____ major tectonic plates. ten

13 Plate Tectonics The ____ is divided into tectonic plates. lithosphere
The ____ is made of solid rock that flows very slowly. asthenosphere The word asthenosphere means _____. "weak sphere"

14 Plate Tectonics The word lithosphere means "rock sphere"
The soft layer of the mantle on which pieces of the lithosphere move is called the _____. asthenosphere The strong, lower part of the mantle that lies beneath the asthenosphere is called the _____. mesosphere

15 Plate Tectonics The outermost, rigid layer of the Earth is called the _____. lithosphere The diameter of the Earth's core is slightly larger than the diameter of _____. Mars Scientists have learned that the mantle's composition has large amounts of _____. iron and magnesium

16 Plate Tectonics Earth's lightest materials make up the _____. crust
_____ appears to cause movement of Earth's tectonic plates. convection currents below the lithosphere The speed of seismic waves depends on the ____ of the layer through which they travel. density

17 Plate Tectonics _____makes up most of the Earth's mass. Mantle
The type of mountain involving huge sections of the Earth's crust being pushed up into anticlines and synclines is the _____. folded mountain

18 Plate Tectonics The San Andreas fault is an example of a _____.
transform boundary The part of the Earth on which the tectonic plates are able to move is the _____. asthenosphere

19 Plate Tectonics The part of the Earth that is a liquid is the _____.
outer core The asthenosphere is the thinnest layer. False Temperature and pressure increase toward the center of the Earth. True

20 Plate Tectonics The inner core of the Earth is solid and made primarily of iron. True The crust is the Earth's only solid layer. False

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