Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Options for a future ERFP funding mechanism June 2005 NC-workshop Uppsala.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Options for a future ERFP funding mechanism June 2005 NC-workshop Uppsala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Options for a future ERFP funding mechanism June 2005 NC-workshop Uppsala

2 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Current situation ERFP ‘Light’ structure Voluntary financial contributions of 11 countries (Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom) In kind contributions: secretariat France No discrimination between paying and non- paying European countries Proposals with financial implications must be supported by majority of donor countries

3 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Desired future funding mechanism ? Securing long term funding of ERFP Broad committment visible by funding Small, national, annual contributions Annual payments based on internationally accepted scales (i.e. UN scales) Confirmation through Letter of Agreement between country and ERFP secretariat for 5 year period

4 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Categories based on UN Rates (from ECP/GR, IPGRI) CountriesUN rates (%) CatCountriesUN rates (%) Cat BOSNIA HERZEGOVINALUXEMBOURG ARMENIA0,0021ICELAND0,0332 ALBANIA0,0031CYPRUS0,0382 AZERBAIJAN0,0041CROATIA0,0392 MACEDONIA (FYR)0,0061SLOVAKIA0,0432 ESTONIA0,0101ROMANIA0,0582 LATVIA0,0101SLOVENIA0,0812 BULGARIA0,0131 MALTA0,0151 LITHUANIA0,0171 SERBIA MONTENEGRO0,0201

5 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Categories based on UN Rates (from ECP/GR, IPGRI) CountriesUN rates (%) CatCountriesUN rates (%) Cat HUNGARY0,1203NORWAY0,6464 CZECH REP0,2033DENMARK0,7494 IRELAND0,2943AUSTRIA0,9474 POLAND0,3783SWEDEN1,0274 ISRAEL0,4153BELGIUM1,1294 TURKEY0,0443SWITZERLAND1,2744 PORTUGAL0,4623NETHERLANDS1,7384 FINLAND0,5223SPAIN2,5194 GREECE0,5393ITALY5,0655 UK5,5365 FRANCE6,4665 GERMANY9,7695

6 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Total annual fee ? Annual contribution/category? cat 1=1.000500 cat 2=2.5001.250 cat 3=5.0002.500 cat 4=7.5003.750 cat 5=10.0005.000 Countries paying 100 % 100 % 170,000 85,000 Countries paying 50 % 50 % 85,000 42,500

7 Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Options / discussion Is it…. desirable to broaden the financial committment of European countries to ERFP and to continue with the ‘light structure’ ? Then… we can keep the annual fee / country low Based on… UN Rates or volontary contribution Or… continue as it is……………..

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