Seven Marriage Types from Revelation MARRIAGE GOOD WORKS BAD WORKS GOD’S COUNSEL Ephesus Smyrna Pergamos Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicean Not bear.

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2 Seven Marriage Types from Revelation MARRIAGE GOOD WORKS BAD WORKS GOD’S COUNSEL Ephesus Smyrna Pergamos Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicean Not bear with them that are evil; they found apostles to be liars; borne & patience; hate deeds of Nicolaitans; labour for Him & do not faint! Tribulation and poverty! Hold fast His name and do not deny his faith! Charity, service, faith, patience, humbleness! Have a good name from the early days! They had little strength of their own; they kept his word; they did not deny his name! Be either cold or hot – but having no Scriptural standard results in no specific good works in God’s eyes! They left their first love! None Hold the doctrine of Balaam & Nicolaitans! Be a stumbling block to your children; show them how to worship idol, fornication! Suffer the woman to teach & seduce your children to commit fornication & eat things sacrificed to idols. Do works that are not perfect before God. Live a dead marriage because of living on your past reputation and name! None! Convince yourself that you are doing fine when God actually says that you are wretched, poor, blind and naked! Remember from whence they had fallen, repent and do the first works! Fear not about the tough times ahead! Be faithful unto death! Repent! To those who didn’t hold to wicked doctrine, hold fast – no other burden was put upon them! Be watchful, strengthen what they still have. Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown! Buy of him gold tried in the fire; white raiment; and anoint thine eyes with eye- salve! Take His rebuke and seek His fellowship!

3 Summary Good Works…Bad Works… Not bear with them that are evil; try preachers, pastors, etc. to prove them to be liars; borne & patience; hate deeds of Nicolaitans; labour for Him & do not faint! Tribulation & poverty is ok! Hold fast His name and do not deny His faith! Charity, service, faith, patience, humbleness! Have a good name from the early years. Have little strength of your own; keep his word; do not deny his name! Leave your first love! Hold to the doctrine of Balaam as well as the Nicolaitans! Be a stumbling-block to your own children, show them how to worship idols and to fornicate with the world! Quit playing the ‘game’ – either get on fire for God or walk away – preferably do good works because of your love of God! Suffer the woman to teach & to seduce His heritage (kids) to commit fornication & eat of the world! Do works that are not perfect before God. Live your life as it was before you were saved & on their past reputation and name; it would be a dead marriage! Think you are doing wonderful when God actually says that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked!

4 Summary God’s Counsel… Remember from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works! Fear not about what your marriage is about to suffer! Be faithful unto death! Repent! To those who don’t have wrong doctrine, hold fast – no other burden will be put upon you! Be watchful, strengthen what you have; Remember the early saved days of joy and excitement and live it today. Walk the talk! Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown! Buy of Christ gold tried in the fire; white raiment; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve! Take His rebuke and seek a closer & more regular fellowship with the Lord!

5 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. And to you!


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