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2 Case 1: 17 yo female with primary amenorrhea
Normal pubertal development Normal health No family history of delayed puberty Not involved in athletics Does well in school Not taking any meds

3 Case 1: Physical Exam Laboratory values
Thin young woman (10% below IBW) Normal genitalia No galactorrhea Tanner stage 4 Laboratory values Urine and serum B-HCG negative Prolactin, FSH, TSH all normal

4 Case 1: Further history Patient’s parents concerned about her eating habits (very low fat intake and restricting calories)

5 Diagnose in case 1: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Etiology is most likely inadequate caloric and fat intake. Patient should be referred for evaluation for an eating disorder. Chances of normal menstruation are very good if patient takes in adequate calories.

6 Diagnose in case 1: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Etiology is most likely inadequate caloric and fat intake. Patient should be referred for evaluation for an eating disorder. Chances of normal menstruation are very good if patient takes in adequate calories.

7 Case 2: 32 years old woman with secondary amenorrhea
Menarche at age 12 Periods have always been irregular Now amenorrhea for resent 10 months Overweight Wants to get pregnant

8 Case 2: Physical Exam Obese female Acne Normal genitalia
Mild hirsutism

9 Case 2: Laboratory findings
Urine B-HCG negative TSH, FSH and Prolactin normal Testosterone 180 ng/mL Pelvic U/S findings show polycystic ovaries

10 U/S findings in PCOS

11 Case 3: 29 yo woman with 18-month h/o amenorrhea
Normal development No family history of amenorrhea Does not exercise excessively or restrict diet Denies galactorrhea Has h/o abortion with subsequent D & C

12 Case 3: Physical Exam Normal exam No galactorrhea

13 Case 3: Laboratory findings
Urine B-HCG negative Prolactin normal TSH, FSH, LH all was normal

14 Case 3: Further work-up Fails Provera challenge Fails 1-month trial of estrogen + progesterone Pelvic U/S shows no uterine stripe Hysteroscope confirms diagnosis of…Asherman’s Syndrome

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