President 1920-1924. Political Socialization  Born and lived under Diaz Government for 31 years.  From a liberal lower- class family in Sonora.  Gained.

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1 President 1920-1924

2 Political Socialization  Born and lived under Diaz Government for 31 years.  From a liberal lower- class family in Sonora.  Gained an appreciation for the working class and education though working various jobs as a teenager.  Earned money through farming.  Was very practical and realistic.  Fought briefly in Army for Madero.  Made Commander and Chief of Sonora’s Military during Huerta’s Presidency.

3 Political Career  Was important Military General under Carranza.  Unhappy with the corruption and lack of social reforms, he led revolt against Carranza in 1920.  Elected President in 1920.

4 Social  Education Created the Ministry of Public Education with Jose Vasconcelos in charge. Opened many new schools known as La Casa del Pueblo Commissioned Artists such as Diego Rivera to paint murals in Government buildings.  Indigenismo Supported preservation of Indian culture and Heritage. Promoted the study of Aztec Mexico including Teotihuacan.

5 Political  Gave legitimacy to Constitution and successfully implemented its policies.  U.S. Relationship Worked towards a good relationship with U.S., realizing the need for U.S. support, both financially an militarily. U.S. formally recognizes the Mexican government under Obregon in 1923.

6 Economic  Land Reform Created Agrarian Regulation. Gradually distributed over 3 million acres without damaging the productive farms which the economy relied on. Recognized lack of knowledge and resources needed to farm successfully.  Organized Labor Promoted organized labor and labor unions. Supported the Regional Mexican Labor Federation. Supported workers rights, but still had respect for the employer’s rights.

7 ReligionMilitary  Clergy opposed land reform and other policies.  Obregon Supported the Anticlericalism position of the Constitution of 1917. Except article 3 because Obregon believed Religious education was better than no education.  Depended mostly on Militia Support.  Took direct approach to Military.  Reduced Army by almost 2/3 … To save money. Because standing army could not be trusted. Reduce political turmoil.

8 Achievements SuccessesFailures  Successfully implemented the Constitution of 1917.  Established stability and U.S. relationship.  Won the support of the people through reforms and policies including: Education Land Reform Labor  Failed to provide resources and training to peasants receiving land.  Failed to set up system for peaceful elections and change of power.

9 References  MEXICO: Why Obregon Is Great. (1923, May 12). Time. Retrieved from,9171,846011,00.html  Obregón, Àlvaro (1880-1928)." DISCovering World History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. Westerville South High School. 5 Oct. 2009.

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