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The New England Colonies & The Puritans Why did Puritans come to the new colonies? Why did some people leave the Puritan colonies?

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Presentation on theme: "The New England Colonies & The Puritans Why did Puritans come to the new colonies? Why did some people leave the Puritan colonies?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The New England Colonies & The Puritans Why did Puritans come to the new colonies? Why did some people leave the Puritan colonies?

2 Puritans Pilgrims: wanted to separate from English Church Puritans didn’t want to separate from English church just wanted to reform it –Simpler way of worship get rid of Organ music Decorated church Special clothing

3 Puritans Puritans ranged in all classes: wealthy some farmers, some well- educated some aren’t Charles I didn’t like the Puritans –Jailed them –Canceled business charters

4 Puritans 1629 England had fallen on “evil and declining times” John Winthrop: believed they should start a new colony –Becomes 1st governor

5 Puritans Tradition of oldest son inheriting wealth –Got the shaft if you weren’t the oldest –Go to New world all the land you could hope for

6 Puritans 1630: 1000 people in Massachusetts Bay Colony Only stock holders got the right to vote –Most people who came weren’t stock holders –Could you see some issues that arise?

7 Puritans Then.... Puritans wanted to keep non- Puritans out of government –Religious freedom?

8 Puritans All male church members got the right to vote and elect representatives to an assembly: General Court By 1640 15,000 people come

9 Unhappy Puritans Thomas Hooker: left puritans to settle in Connecticut –No happy that governor and church officials had too much power –New colony had strict limits on government

10 Unhappy Puritans 1639 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut: –All men who owned property got the right to vote –Limited governors power

11 Unhappy Puritans Roger Williams: –minister in Salem –Not liked by all puritans because of his ideas Church and state should be separate! Shouldn’t force people to go to church

12 Unhappy Puritans Religious Tolerance: wiliness to let other practice their own beliefs He was order to leave the colony –Fled –Spent winter with Natives –Bought a settlement, Rhode Island –Freedom of religion

13 Oh no you didn’t! Anne Hutchison: –Devote Puritan –Questioned some of ministers teaching

14 Oh no you didn’t! Puritan were mad, specially because women didn’t have the right to explain God’s Law Appeared before Massachusetts General Court –She really didn’t break any laws

15 Oh no you didn’t! Things looked good then... –She said God spoke, “By the voice of His spirit to my soul.” –Court kicked her out: she went to Rhode Island

16 Natives & Puritans 1670s 45,000 English settlers Natives aren’t to keen on the newbies Wampanoag Chief (Metacom) was ticked –Started attacking the settlers 12 towns destroyed 600 dead Metacom and 1000 natives eventually captured and sold into slavery

17 Puritans Sabbath: holy day of rest –Couldn’t work –No play –Had to go to church-last all day!

18 Puritans Women and men separated at church Natives and Black could sit in Balcony

19 Puritans Town meetings: where settlers discussed and voted on issues Strict laws! –1692 Salem Village executed 20 men and women because they were convicted as witches

20 Puritans Economy: –Rocky soil hard to farm –Lots of wild turkey and deer –Huge ports –Whale hunters

21 Puritans 1700s Puritan tradition declined but before it does there is a little bit a craziness Outbreak of Witchcraft Hysteria

22 Crazy town Outbreak of Witchcraft Hysteria in Salem –Strong belief that Satan is acting in the world –Belief Satan recruits witches and wizards to work for him –In times of trouble Satan is more likely active

23 Puritans go a little crazy 1684 Witchcraft is outlawed 1888 Goody Gloveris accused of acting bizarre because Martha Goodwin children were acting weird The weirdness spreads to two other children The story gets weirder.... –Listen as I tell the story – assignment-discovery-salem-witch-trials-video.htm assignment-discovery-salem-witch-trials-video.htm – assignment-discovery-historical-documents- video.htm assignment-discovery-historical-documents- video.htm

24 Let’s read the cross examination

25 Death June 10 Bridget Bishop July 19 Rebecca Nurse Sarah Good Susannah Martin Elizabeth Howe Sarah Wildes August 19 George Burroughs Martha Carrier John Willard George Jacobs, Sr. John Proctor September 22 Martha Corey Mary Eastey Ann Pudeator Alice Parker Mary Parker Wilmott Redd Margaret Scott Samuel Wardwell

26 Death One accused witch (or wizard, as male witches were often called) was pressed to death on September 19 when he failed to plead guilty or not guilty:Giles Corey Other accused witches died in prison:Sarah Osborn Roger Toothaker Lyndia Dustin Ann Foster

27 Salem Witch Trial FlmHbYY FlmHbYY –Part 1 & Part 2

28 Work Cited aheritage/histcontextsd.htm aheritage/histcontextsd.htm /feast-of-charles-i-king-of-england-and- scotland-january-30/ /feast-of-charles-i-king-of-england-and- scotland-january-30/ ia/John_Winthrop/ ia/John_Winthrop/ fear-not-what-man-can-do-unto-me.html fear-not-what-man-can-do-unto-me.html

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