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Poetry Spring has sprung, The grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is?

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Spring has sprung, The grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Spring has sprung, The grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is?

2 Aims To exemplify the role of poetry in developing reading and writing skills; To support teachers in delivering poetry units; To explore ways to develop children’s responses to poetry.

3 Fast poem Choose a subject – e.g. spaghetti First line – noun: Two adjectives: Three adverbs: Four verbs : spaghetti thin and soft silently, slowly, easily slipping, sliding, slithering, disappearing.

4 Why teach poetry? Supports early reading; A structured model for writing; Motivates less able writers; Develops economic writing; Develops evaluative skills; Hones word choices; Encourages experimentation and creativity; Outlet for moods, feelings and attitudes.

5 Reading poetry

6 Reading Poetry  To learn poems  To learn about poetic devices such as rhythm, rhyme and figurative language  To interpret poems  To evaluate poetry  To respond to poetry  To perform poems

7 Nursery Rhymes Part of our literary heritage; Repetition and patterns make nursery rhymes an excellent resource for early reading; Schools need to ensure the continuation of knowledge of nursery rhymes.

8 The Owl and the Pussycat Reading aloud Word combinations Sound patterns Rhymes Rhythms Alliteration Humour

9 Teaching Sequence for Interpreting and Responding to Poetry KS2 First impressions and queries Interpretation of meaning Mood/effect upon the reader Authorial technique Underlying theme

10 The Sea First impressions: First impressions: Discuss Anything that stood out particularly; Anything you liked; Anything you didn’t like; Pictures in your head; Queries.Interpretation: Mood/effect upon the reader Authorial techniques: Theme

11 Writing poetry

12 Pass the poem The teacher provides the opening phrase and asks the children to complete each line. Invent a few together, model and then ask the children to try.

13 Writing Poetry  To use poems as models for own writing  To add or substitute ideas to existing poems  To compose own poems in a range of forms  To compose own poems using a range of poetic devices and techniques

14 Adding and Substituting One For the Cluck of an Angry Hen One for the cluck of an angry hen. Two for the cheeps of a tiny wren. Three for the croak of a fat green frog. Four for the bark of a jumping dog. Five for the quack of a duck on a lake. Six for the hiss of a wriggling snake. Seven for the hoot of the old grey owl. Eight for the snarl for a wolf on the prowl. Nine for the squeak of a scuttling rat. Ten for the purr of a snuggling cat.

15 The Sound Collector Read the poem Interpretation of meaning Activity

16 Using the poem as a model Change the setting – The Return of the Sound Collector! Children collect sounds from around school – lunchtime, assembly, PE lesson, playtime etc. Agree on success criteria – four lines in each stanza, sound verb in each line, precise image created etc.

17 Poetry in a range of forms

18 Activity Activity - writing a haiku and passing it to someone else to turn it into a Tanka An Old Cat is Annoyed by a Dove ‘You pompous, grey bird, Why do you waddle and peck Just out of my reach?’ ‘You are too old to catch me,’ It cooed sweetly, cruelly.


20 Poetry as a stimulus for other text-types Poetry can be used to: Provide the story; Promote discussion of characters’ feelings and emotions which can be transferred to narrative; To provide imagery and figurative techniques for prose;

21 Performance Poetry ‘Louder!’. Works in pairs and perform the poem as the teacher and Andrew. Children need encouraging to change pitch, pace, volume, tone, add sound effects. Performance poetry is not just reading out loud. It involves rehearsal, refinement and evaluation.

22 Ink Waster This is a one-minute activity. Children work with a partner on a small whiteboard. The teacher gives a title and the children list as many related words that they can think of in one minute. These can then be extended into phrases and poems. Activity:

23 Home time!

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