By David and Anne Ellsworth

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Presentation on theme: "By David and Anne Ellsworth"— Presentation transcript:

1 By David and Anne Ellsworth
Rhyme in Time By David and Anne Ellsworth Music K8, Vol. 13, No. 4 Plank Road Publishing PPT by Terri Talley

2 Rhyme in time, rhyme in time.
Just rhyme with me in time. Cause rhymin’ is sublime. So rhyme. Rhyme with me in time.

3 At Cat Mat Sat

4 Shop Top Hop Stop

5 Rhyme in time, rhyme in time.
Just rhyme with me in time. Why walk when you can climb? So rhyme. Rhyme with me in time.

6 Rock Lock Sock Knock

7 In Win Thin Fin

8 Go Throw So No

9 Bend Send Blend End

10 Rhyme in time, rhyme in time.
Just rhyme with me in time. It’s free. Won’t cost a dime. So rhyme. Rhyme with me in time.


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