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 The purpose of this webinar is to provide information to Texas institutions of higher education on implementing programs, strategies, or interventions.

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2  The purpose of this webinar is to provide information to Texas institutions of higher education on implementing programs, strategies, or interventions on Rider 59 (81st Legislature)/ 34 (82nd Legislature) and non- course based options.

3  Suzanne Morales-Vale, Director of Developmental and Adult Education (P-16 Initiatives)  Terri Daniels, Assistant Director, Developmental Education (P-16 Initiatives)  Julie Eklund, Director (Planning and Accountability)  James Goeman, Assistant Director (Workforce, Academic Affairs and Research)

4  Review specific language of Riders  Review Definitions  Discuss possible NCBO activities  Discuss procedure for reporting NCBO activities  Address submitted questions

5  Original General Appropriations Act, House Bill 1, 81stTexas Legislature, Section 59  Continued authorization through House Bill 1, 82 nd Texas Legislature, Section 34

6  The THECB shall approve non-semester- length developmental education interventions including: o course-based, o non-course-based, o alternative entry/exit, and o other intensive developmental education activities in the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) before August 31, 2009.

7 Approved non-semester-length (NCBO) developmental education interventions shall be eligible for formula funding beginning in fall 2010 and subject to limitations prescribed by law.

8 Definition: ( from Rider 50 and 59 Reports, January 2011, p. 16) “Non-course-based developmental education includes developmental education interventions that use innovative learning approaches that, compared to traditional lecture-only classes, more effectively and efficiently prepare students for college-level work. These interventions must be overseen by an instructor of record; must not fit traditional course frameworks for contact hours; and cannot include advising or learning support activities such as tutoring, supplemental instruction, or labs connected to traditional courses where a student incurs tuition costs. Students may not be charged tuition for these interventions.”

9  Students enrolled in Rider 59/34 non- semester-length NCBOs may or may not be charged tuition and/or fees  Determination is made based on local IHE decision

10  HB 1244: Sec. 54.225. STUDENTS ENROLLED IN NON- SEMESTER-LENGTH DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION INTERVENTIONS. The governing board of an institution of higher education may exempt from the payment of tuition authorized by this chapter a student who is participating in an approved non-semester-length developmental education intervention (including course-based, non-course-based, alternative- entry/exit, and other intensive developmental education activities).

11 Terminology  Non-semester length ◦ Not a compressed course (a compressed course has the same number of contact hours as the traditional but delivered in a shorter time) ◦ Can include non-regular meeting dates/times ◦ Delivers accelerated instruction ◦ Must include consideration of time after completion of NCBO (don’t lose students in interim)

12 Terminology (Cont’d)  Non-course-based ◦ Include innovative interventions ◦ May still address learning outcomes related to traditional course but usually not the same number of learning outcomes

13 Timeline  Fall 2012: IHE must have at least one NCBO ready for spring 2013 enrollment in at least one DE disciplinary area  Spring 2013: active enrollment of students in at least one DE disciplinary area  Fall 2013: IHE must have at least one NCBO ready for spring 2014 enrollment in all DE disciplinary areas, including ESOL  Spring 2014: active enrollment of students in all DE disciplinary areas, including ESOL  Fall 2014: IHE should be placing majority of “bubble” students in NCBOs in all DE disciplinary areas, including ESOL

14 Additional Requirements:  Student must be enrolled at institution  Completed application  Entered into system  Reported as a student in all other applicable reports  Student must have taken an approved TSI assessment prior to NCBO enrollment

15 Additional Requirements (cont’d):  NCBO must have an Instructor of Record (IR) who is available to assist students upon request ◦ IR does not have to be physically present at all times in case the student needs assistance. ◦ A tutor, TA, or other content expert may also available to assist students who need help.

16 Additional Requirements (cont’d):  IRs for NCBOs are responsible for the following: ◦ Determining the best NCBO for the student; ◦ Assuring the student meets the contact hour and curricular requirements of the NCBO; ◦ Checking on the progress of the student; ◦ Assuring is student is appropriately assessed/evaluated upon NCBO completion (e.g., departmental final exam, retesting on assessment); ◦ Assigning and reporting the student’s final grade based on IHE policy (can be pass/no pass); ◦ Helping the student register for the next step (i.e., course)

17  Refresher workshops  Intensive Bridging Classes  Companion (Paired) Course (e.g., simultaneous enrollment in ENGL 1301 and NCBO)

18 Dr. James Goeman Workforce, Academic Affairs and Research (512) 427-6249

19 Rider 59 directed Board staff to: “approve non-semester-length developmental education interventions (including course- based, non-course-based, alternative- entry/exit, and other intensive developmental education activities) in the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual before August 31, 2009.”

20  CB staff put the request for non-course- based developmental education on the ACGM Advisory Committee agenda for the August 8, 2009 meeting  The committee approved the inclusion of the new non-semester-length developmental education options.  CB staff made the appropriate changes to the ACGM before the start of the Fall 2009 semester

21  New entries for Non-Course-Based options in Math, Reading, Writing, Student Success, ESOL  These entries allow for options to be delivered in units as small as 4 contact hours

22  Funding for Non-Course-Based options became available in Fall 2010  In order to qualify for formula funding: ◦ Student hours must be logged and ◦ An Instructor of Record must be available to students

23 Dr. Julie Eklund Planning and Accountability (512) 427-6533

24  Instructions for reporting NSL/NCBOs are provided in the introductions of these CBM reports: CBM001 (Student Report) CBM002 (TSI Report) CBM004 (Course Report) CBM00S (Student Schedule Report)

25  Universities report only semester credit hours (SCHs), not contact hours.  Some community college reports require SCHs for some items and student contact hours for others.

26  Semester credit hours must be reported in whole numbers: 4 - 8 contact hours = 0 SCH 9 - 24 contact hours = 1 SCH 25 - 40 contact hours = 2 SCH 41 - 56 contact hours = 3 SCH

27  A student who participates in one eight-hour intervention in a semester would be reported with 0 SCH. A student who participates in two eight- hour interventions would be reported with 1 SCH, etc.

28  Report participation in non- course-based developmental education on Items #23/43/63  DE courses and interventions are now reported on the CBM00S

29  At universities, Student Success Interventions may be reported for formula funding for students who have NOT met TSI or an institution’s readiness standard.  Be sure to update your course inventory to include Student Success Courses with a CIP and funding code of 32.0101.01.21 if you plan to offer Student Success Interventions.

30 Item #10 Semester Credit Hour Value. Enter the number of semester credit hours for the course (the sum of Items #11 and #12). SCHs for developmental education courses and interventions are reported on this item. The CBM00S allows for 2 decimal places on SCH items.

31 To determine appropriate SCH for reporting on the CBM00S, divide the student contact hours by 16 or round the hours to the nearest quarter SCH. Institutions may choose only one of these two methods. Examples are provided below:  A 5 contact hour intervention: 0031 (5/16) or 0025 (rounded to nearest ¼ SCH)  An 8 hour SCH intervention: 0050 (8/16) or 0050 (no need to round)  A 19 SCH intervention: 0119 (19/16) or 0125 (rounded to nearest ¼ SCH)

32 Item #19 (Univ.) #22 (CTCs) Developmental Education Course/Intervention Level. Enter the code indicating the type of developmental course/intervention completed by the student. (See page S.3 for a description of these levels.) Report all developmental student success courses as ‘1’ and all approved developmental student success interventions as ‘4.’ Interventions include non- semester-length and non-course-based activities but do NOT include traditional courses offered in a compressed time frame.

33  0 Not a developmental course/intervention  1 Highest level developmental course  2 Medium level developmental course  3 Lowest level developmental course  4 Highest level developmental intervention  5 Medium level developmental intervention  6 Lowest level developmental intervention

34 Item #26 Approval Number. Enter the ten-digit approval number assigned to the academic course or the six-digit CIP code for the technical program area (left-justified with trailing zeros).

35  The CBM004 allows for reporting in fractions of semester credit hours (item #7):  Option 1: 4 contact hours =.25 SCH (reported as 0025) 8 contact hours =.50 SCH (reported as 0050) 12 contact hours =.75 SCH (reported as 0075) 16 contact hours = 1.00 SCH (reported as 0100) 20 contact hours = 1.25 SCH (reported as 0125)  Option 2 (Contact Hours/16 = SCH)

36  Report contact hours as you usually do. Use the actual number of hours for the intervention.  The following crosswalk is suggested for reporting semester credit hours (Item #6a): 4 - 8 contact hours = 0 SCH 9 - 24 contact hours = 1 SCH 25 - 40 contact hours = 2 SCH 41 - 56 contact hours = 3 SCH

37  The 18 and 27 hour rules apply to Non- Semester-Length developmental education!!  Community college students may be reported for funding for 27 or fewer hours of developmental education. This applies to all DE including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) developmental education classes and interventions.  Universities students may only be reported for funding for up to 18 hours of developmental education.

38  Institutions may determine the SCH equivalents for the SCH fields; however, interventions with 12 contact hours or more MUST BE reported with at least 1 SCH, interventions reported for 32 hours or more MUST BE reported with at least 2 SCH, etc.  These restrictions will help ensure that students are not under-reported on the 27- hour rule and the 18-hour rule.

39 REMEMBER:  The crosswalks provided for non-semester length developmental education do NOT apply to reporting traditional DE courses.

40  Refresher Workshops – One-week, two hours per day refresher courses for students who were close to the cut score in math and reading (10 hour intervention) Report on the CBM001 as 1 SCH for students who participated in one classes (10 = 1 SCH) Report on the CBM00S as 10/16 or 0063 (.63) SCH Report on the CBM004 (CTCs) as a 10 contact hour course with 1 SCH Report on the CBM004 (Univ) as a 10/16 or 0063 (.63) SCH course

41  If more than one subject is offered, report courses by subject area if there is an instructor of record for each “intervention.”  Integrated Reading and Writing has been added to the ACGM as of December 2011.

42  General  Funding and Reporting  Tuition and Fees  TSI Related Questions  Requirements  Course-Based vs. Designing DE Interventions  Paired Courses

43  Suzanne Morales-Vale (DE/ABE) ◦ ◦ (512) 427-6262  Terri Daniels (DE) ◦ ◦ (512) 427-6267  Linda Muñoz (ABE/ESOL) ◦ Linda.muñ Linda.muñ ◦ (512) 427-6525  Julie Eklund (Reporting) ◦ ◦ (512) 427-6533  James Goeman (ACGM) ◦ ◦ (512) 427-6249

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