Marketplace Enrollment National Perspective on Latino Outreach Teresa Niño Senior Advisor to the Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketplace Enrollment National Perspective on Latino Outreach Teresa Niño Senior Advisor to the Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketplace Enrollment National Perspective on Latino Outreach Teresa Niño Senior Advisor to the Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

2 Latino Enrollment in Arizona 2 0.4 million Uninsured in Arizona (Eligible for Marketplace, Medicaid or CHIP) o 3.6% Latino 1,427,080 total enrolled in Medicaid (June 2014 report) Approximately 55% non-elderly Hispanics 89,847 total enrolled in Marketplace plans (Where race was reported) 24.2% Latino HRSA provided $2.3 million in FY2013 and $1.2 million in FY2014 to 17 health centers in Arizona

3 3 Marketplace Call Center Volume 3 FFM Calls Offered EnglishSpanishTTYTOTAL Oct-13 1,968,64764,8111,0442,034,502 Nov-13 1,378,09251,7878451,430,724 Dec-13 4,326,002193,6692,6504,522,321 Jan-14 2,510,976161,4691,4882,673,933 Feb-14 2,280,282147,0751,3882,428,745 Mar-14 6,996,050573,0486,0497,575,147 TOTAL 19,460,0491,191,85913,46420,665,372

4 4  Online enrollment tool soft launch December 2013 Stakeholder groups provided feedback  Official launch - January 2014 4 Open Enrollment Website Metrics Number of Visitors November 2013113,398 December 2013263,490 January 2014305,154 February 2014340,412 March 2014830,316 April 2014152,040

5 5  National Latino Week of Action: October 21-28, 2013  Media partners: National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Entrevision, Impremedia  Champions for Coverage: League of United Latin American Citizens National Alliance for Hispanic Health National Council of La Raza National Hispanic Council on Aging National Hispanic Medical Association National Partnerships 5

6 6 ACA Health Center Outreach & Enrollment Assistance 6 STATEFY2013 AwardFY2014 AwardHealth Centers Arizona$2.3 million$1.2 million17 California$21.9 million$3.1 million125 Florida$8.1 million$4.4 million46 New Mexico$2.2 million$0.3 million47 New York$7.2 million$1.4 million56 Texas$9.9 million$5.4 million66 FY2013 HRSA provided $150 million to 1,159 health centers across the U.S. FY2014 HRSA provided $58 million to 1,157 health centers across the U.S.

7 7  Certified Assisters Navigators Non-Navigator assistance personnel Certified Application Counselors  Agents and brokers  To find assistance in your area- In Person Assistance

8 8 Reaching Latinos 8

9 9 Affordability 9

10 10 Events & Localized Help 10

11 11 Advertising with Deadlines 11

12 12  Tu Salud y La Nueva Ley- Latino Town Hall with President Obama about the Health Insurance Marketplace- Televised on Univisión y Telemundo March 7, 2014 Immigration and the Affordable Care Act 12  Jeh Johnson, Head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ‘sets the record straight’ about the Affordable Care Act for immigrant families. – La Opinión, “Dejando Las Cosas Claras” February 28, 2014

13 13 Last Year: Spot TV and Radio in 36 markets NAB in 12 states Digital in 29 states ESPN, TNT, ABC, (NBA games) Trainings for Hispanic Media:  Univision #Asegurate, Telemundo,  Impremedia and Entrevision National Media Engagement 13

14 14  Educate media staff about the importance of getting covered  Seek opportunities to do public service announcements  Ask local consumers to give testimonials  Invite media to your outreach events  Send regular updates to local media about enrollment opportunities Best Practices for Engaging Local Media 14

15 Provide Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Information  Use language familiar to your community  Adapt Marketplace information to your community  Be aware of how customs and beliefs shape: How consumers understand health care information How consumers express concerns about their health conditions What health coverage consumers need 15

16 16 16

17 17  A step-by-step guide What having health insurance means How to use your card How to set up your first visit with a health care provider such as a doctor or a nurse practitioner. What to expect during that first visit What to look for in a provider that works for you and your needs A Roadmap to Better Care and a Healthier You 17

18 From Coverage to Care 18 Roadmap (English/Spanish) Poster Roadmap (English/Spanish) One-pagers: o Insurance card o Primary care vs. Emergency o Explanation of Benefits Pull-out steps Discussion Guide (English) Video vignettes (English/Spanish) All resources available at

19 19  Sign up to get email and text alerts at for Spanish  Updates and resources for partner organizations are available at  Twitter @HealthCareGov / @CuidadoDeSalud #GetCovered or #Asegurate  or CuidadoDeSalud Stay Connected

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