July 17, 2014 Tinley Park, Illinois YMCA OF METRO CHICAGO Black & Latino Achievers Program (Achievers)

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Presentation on theme: "July 17, 2014 Tinley Park, Illinois YMCA OF METRO CHICAGO Black & Latino Achievers Program (Achievers)"— Presentation transcript:

1 July 17, 2014 Tinley Park, Illinois YMCA OF METRO CHICAGO Black & Latino Achievers Program (Achievers)

2 YMCA of Metro Chicago Black and Latino Achievers

3 The Black & Latino Achievers (Achievers) is one of the Y’s premier youth development programs focusing on the academic, personal and career advancement of urban youth. Though local program titles may differ, the program purpose and format are the same for African Americans, Latinos or any ethnic group: “ …to provide purposeful, targeted programming that help teens of color set and pursue high educational and career goals resulting in high school graduation and acceptance into and graduation from an institution of higher learning and successful entry into a career of their choosing.” BLACK & LATINO ACHIEVERS

4 By 2018 it is estimated that the United States will have 46.8 million job openings. It is also estimated that by 2018, 63% of jobs will require postsecondary education or training. ARE WE PREPARED? 42 % of college instructors and 45% of employers say that high school graduates are not prepared for college and employment 40% of employers said that the high school graduates that they hire lack often lack the “ soft ” skills needed for entry-level jobs Low-income and minority students are the least likely to actually graduate from college. Only 40% of African-American and 47% of Latino students are graduating within six year. THE FUTURE WORKFORCE

5 % Enrolled in Undergraduate Programs Whites64.5 Blacks11.1 Hispanics9.8 % of BA Degrees Received Whites72.4 Blacks8.4 Hispanics5.8 WHY ACHIEVERS?

6 In order to prepare today ’ s youth for the future workplace, we must ensure that youth graduate from high school with the core knowledge and skills necessary for successful postsecondary education or training pursuits and ultimately, workforce success. The Y ’ s response: The Achievers Program at a Glance Serves 7 th -12 th graders 900+ youth from 65 participating schools Encourages positive interaction between youth and adult role models. Bi-weekly sessions held at DePaul University and school-based partnerships Program supported by over 100 volunteers and 50+ community/corporate partnerships ACHIEVERS AT A GLANCE


8 Over 130 programs nationally Operating in 32 States. Florida has largest number of programs Approximately 10,000-14,000 youth served annually

9 ACHIEVERS – Core Focus College/Workforce Readiness Based on national Y-USA model Motivates 7th-12th graders to: – Achieve academic excellence, – Graduate from high school, and – Pursue post-secondary education Positive interaction between youth and adults

10 Foundational Courses Team-building Diversity Awareness Nutrition Self-Esteem/Finding out who you are Goal Setting Money Matters Making High School Count First Impressions Communication Importance of Good Grades/ Your High School Résumé Social Media Awareness Making College Prep Count College Fairs Finding the College that is right for you Real World of College Careers Preparing your College Application & Essay ACT Prep Financial Aid Workshops FALL SEMESTER

11 Career Cluster Workshops focusing on: Health & Medicine Business & Finance Aviation The Trades Technology Arts & Entertainment Communication Sports Management Hospitality & Meeting Planning Law & Law Enforcement SPRING SEMESTER Field trips and Partnerships Career Cluster Field Trip Job Shadow Event College Tour

12 Midwest Teen Summit Local College Tours World-Of-Work Job Shadow Events (3) FAFSA Workshops Teen Leadership Institute Community Service Projects Summer Enrichment Parent Workshops YMCA Youth & Government ENRICHMENT ACTIVITES

13 100% of seniors complete high school 98% continued with post-secondary education 85% of seniors determine their college major as a result or participating in BLA 90% demonstrated increased school performance BLACK & LATINO ACHIEVERS IMPACT


15 PARTICIPANT QUOTES: Through the Black and Latino Achievers program, we are all step by step becoming closer to revolutionizing everything from ourselves, to our world. - BLA Graduating Senior (Taga Tall) The Black & Latino Achievers program was the most entertaining and educational program I have ever been a part of. -1 st year BLA Participant (Hussain Muhammad) The leadership skills I have gained from being in B.L.A. and the Teen Leadership Institute have made me a confident and successful leader. -BLA Participant (David Medina)

16 YOUTH ENGAGEMENT How do we recruit our program participants? Existing YMCA programs School Outreach Efforts Community Partners Existing Participants Parents/Volunteers

17 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES More than 100 business volunteers participate annually Volunteer Opportunities: Career Workshop Presenter Mentor Personal Development Workshop Presenter Job Shadow Host Internship Placement Site Steering Committee Member

18 FURTHER INFORMATION LaDawn Norwood Association Director of Teen Programs YMCA of Metro Chicago 773-326-3024 lnorwood@ymcachicago.org

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