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Career Options Gordon Emslie Oklahoma State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Options Gordon Emslie Oklahoma State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Options Gordon Emslie Oklahoma State University

2 Outline Career Path Options Company University Getting Hired Making Progress – Role of Research Tenure – Concept and Reality Government General Discussion

3 Graduate Student

4 Company

5 Graduate Student Company Faculty Member

6 Graduate Student Company Faculty Member Postdoc

7 Graduate Student Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Postdoc

8 Graduate Student Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Postdoc

9 Graduate Student Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Postdoc

10 Graduate Student Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Postdoc

11 Graduate Student Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Postdoc

12 Graduate Student Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf Postdoc

13 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf

14 “Post-Doc” Also known as –Research associate –NRC Fellow –Postdoctoral Fellow Midway between being a student and working with students Not common in other fields (engineering, humanities), but Golden opportunity to identify yourself

15 Career Contrast Company/University/Government

16 Company Can hire “spontaneously” in response to applicant availability Generally pays quite well! BUT No tenure! Often doing “other people’s work” Job generally split between centrally and externally funded tasks

17 University Typically hire in response to department/university needs –Teaching –Growth –Research initiatives Opportunities not necessarily well- timed to your availability

18 Universities (US) Research I Research II 4-Year Community College 9-month vs. 12-month; summer salary Tenure!

19 University Positions Research Scientist (affiliated with Research Center) Research Faculty Tenure-track faculty (“professor”) Administration (solving other people’s problems)

20 Steps to Getting Hired at a University Graduate (no ABD!!) Post-doc Attend (and be noticed at) meetings Visit institutions in advance (e.g., seminars) Talk to colleagues; let them know you are/will be available Try for institutions in the “family”; use advisor’s connections Review announcements (Physics Today, SolarNews, Chronicle of Higher Education, other) Secure reference commitments Prepare “teaching philosophy” and “research goals” Write thoughtful, institution specific, cover letter (2-3 pages is fine)

21 The Interview They are in charge! Seminar – substance and pedagogy Conversations with future colleagues Interviews with students Interviews with administrators The Department Head

22 Finalizing the Hire You are in charge!! Salary Research Support (students, facilities,…) Colleagues Startup Package Understand the periodic review process Graduated Teaching Load? Define expectations clearly

23 Starting Out as a Faculty Member Teaching (preparation!) Graduate student supervision Seek mentoring by senior faculty Research –papers –proposals (PI or CoI?) Accept offers from journal editors, agency directors Gauge service role (science, university, public) Time management Stress management

24 Tenure Academic Freedom! 6-year clock – “eigenstate forcing” Preparation –Keep comprehensive file updated –Maintain “uniform” productivity Life after tenure

25 University Administration Department Committees Graduate Coordinator Department Chair/Head Dean (College, Graduate) Center Director Vice President for Research Provost President Chancellor

26 Government Laboratory NASA (GSFC, MSFC, ….) NRL NOAO NOAA Typically more “project-driven” than university

27 Government Laboratory (GS) Hiring by announcement No salary negotiation! 1-2 year “probation period” – almost instant tenure! May have to perform other tasks related to lab operations: –Proposal administration –Mission management New – Full-Cost Accounting!

28 The Interview They are in charge! Seminar – substance, relation to mission of group Your long-range research plans Conversations with future colleagues Interviews with administrators The Branch Head

29 Finalizing the Hire You are in charge!! Salary Research Support (students, facilities,…) Startup Package Understand the periodic review process Graduated Teaching Load? Define expectations clearly

30 Finalizing the Hire You are in charge!! Salary Research Support (students, facilities,…) Startup Package Understand the periodic review process Graduated Teaching Load? Define expectations clearly

31 Finalizing the Hire You are in charge!! Salary Research Support (students, facilities,…) Startup Package Understand the periodic review process Graduated Teaching Load? Define expectations clearly

32 Government Laboratory (Contractor) Most hires are in this category –Company –University affiliate Hired by/working for company/university Perform tasks related to mission objectives: –Hardware development –Software development –Subcontract work Tasks originate/assigned by Government civil servant →Interesting employer/employee relationship!

33 Government Laboratory Administration Branch Head Laboratory Chief (SES) Science Director Set goals and direction for laboratory Still solving other people’s problems

34 Other Roles in the Community Government Agency –permanent –“rotator” Observatory Director Education & Outreach Societies & Divisions –Committee member –Officer –Executive Director

35 Serving Many Masters Your institution –Teaching –Helping institution realize its goals Supervision of Graduate Students and Postdocs Your community –Paper review –Proposal review –Hosting meetings –Forming collaborations –Mission development –Service on Advisory Committees (MOWG, Universe Working Group, Roadmap, Decadal Review,…) Yourself

36 Role of Research Varies by career type In some fields, not always gauged by funding rate, but… In Solar Physics, it is! –University Summer salary Tenure (and post-tenure support for others) –Government – job assignment –Company – job security

37 Funding Research With full-cost accounting, now necessary in virtually all career options Required $$ ~2  gross salary ~1.5  other Travel Publication Equipment Subcontracts Supplies, materials Requires steady diet of grant-writing activity!

38 AGE – a timeline/case study

39 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf Glasgow, Harvard 1976-79

40 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf 1979 Stanford

41 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf 1981 UAH

42 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf 1991 UAH

43 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf 2004 UAH

44 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf 2004 OSU

45 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf ????

46 Graduate Student Postdoc Government Laboratory Company Faculty Member Administration Retire Play Golf ????

47 Points to Remember Your professional goals are largely self- motivated However,…. Paid employment usually entails service beyond your personal and professional goals Weighing these “extra” obligations is paramount in deciding on a career path “It’s a wonderful life”

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