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Teaching Assistant Evaluations. Pilot Year II We ‘tried out’ the design during the 2007-08 school year. Revisions are being made for the second year,

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Assistant Evaluations. Pilot Year II We ‘tried out’ the design during the 2007-08 school year. Revisions are being made for the second year,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Assistant Evaluations

2 Pilot Year II We ‘tried out’ the design during the 2007-08 school year. Revisions are being made for the second year, 2008-09. It will include ALL untenured TA’s (approximately 100) and a sample of tenured TA’s (50) in all 3 instructional divisions.

3 What does the contract say? ARTICLE IV M. Evaluations – Teaching Assistants 1 – 5, including an Evaluation Form (handout)

4 THREE ‘TYPES’ OF EVALUATION Supervisor Evaluation Growth Plan Project Plan

5 The ‘RUBRIC’ Handout of the Capital Region BOCES Teaching Assistant Evaluation Form (5 pages)

6 4 Domains of the Rubric Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instructional Environment Professional Responsibility –4 levels of performance (Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished) and Not Applicable

7 The “Supervisor Evaluation” Form The purpose The frequency To fill it in entirely, or concentrate on only a few of the elements? Where is it filed?

8 Using the Supervisor Evaluation Form All of the 14 elements are of equal importance The document should be as complete as possible Use the narrative space to provide context This is ONE of the tools and sources of information used to evaluate an individual

9 When a TA is Encountering Difficulty May wish to use the “TA’s Encountering Difficulty” guidelines (Handout) It is NOT required to be written or submitted, however it is advised that if serious or long-standing, a written document be produced and signed by both parties and forwarded to HR

10 Resolving Differences of Opinion About Performance The TA has the option of writing a rebuttal. If the TA refuses to sign, the supervisor so notes, and includes the date. Chain of command should be followed.

11 Growth Plan TA reflects on their practice, and marks each element Instead of “Comments”, they write their “Evidence” Conversation with supervisor follows Each writes a section on the last page

12 Growth Plan (continued) Starts with TA review of the rubrics and where they think they are performing. The conversation with the supervisor is a ‘jumping off point’ for at least one goal related to the rubric. The goal should relate to an element in the rubric. The last page records the area selected for growth and includes the Plan, the Timeline, the Materials, if any, and the Evidence of completion. All growth goals must relate to one of the four areas and at least one of the elements in the rubric.

13 Project Plan An individual or group PROJECT (handout) A project is typically an activity, event, detailed plan or course of action related to the students served. Must be agreed to (in writing) early in the year selected Whose priority can it be?

14 Additional Clarification No separate Summative Narrative Evaluation at the end of the year – submit the actual form instead Scope of pilot How will we monitor and evaluate the pilot this year? TA’s to be included on the APPR Committee during the pilot year

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