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Please feel free to chat amongst yourselves until we begin at the top of the hour. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Please feel free to chat amongst yourselves until we begin at the top of the hour. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please feel free to chat amongst yourselves until we begin at the top of the hour. 1

2 Seminar Agenda The Reproductive System Questions & Answers 2

3 The Reproductive System 3

4 Male Reproductive System 4 Gonads develop as a ventral thickening of the mesonephros tunica albuginea is tough connective tissue covering the testis bulk of tubules are seminiferous tubules where germ cells (spermatozoa) are formed Rete testis is tubules by which the spermatozoa leave the testis Tubules drain into the single, highly coiled tubule called the epididymis Diagram of the anatomy of the testis and associated ducts

5 Male Reproductive System: Seminiferous Tubules 5 The wall of a seminiferous tubule is formed by epithelial cells called Sertoli cells. Their plasma membranes adhere tightly to developing germ cells Elongated, euchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleolia Establish the blood-testis barrier Take up nutrients from the blood and export them to germ cells Have an endocrine function and secrete inhibin, which suppresses the secretion Stimulate cell division and differentiation of germ cells Facilitate the movement of germ cells from the basal region of the epithelium toward the apical region without disrupting the blood- testis barrier

6 Male Reproductive System: Germ Cells 6 Primordial germ cells are located in the basal surfaces of Sertoli cells within seminiferous tubules Called Spermatogonia Function as stems cells that replenish the germ cell population as cells are shed into the lumen A human male can produce as many as 100 million fully differentiated sperm a day When differentiate and divide by meiosis, they move apically and are term spermatocytes Spermatocytes undergo two meiotic divisions to haploid state and are called spermatids

7 Male Reproductive System: Sertoli cell and associated germ cells 7

8 Meiosis 8 2N 1N N = number of genomes

9 Male Reproductive System: Spermiogenesis 9 The process by which haploid spermatid undergo dramatic anatomical changes to become mature spermatozoa All of the organelles of the cell are transformed to produce a stream lined, tapering motile cell with a small nucleus Most remarkable change is the reduction in nuclear volume – 1/40 th the size of somatic cell nucleus Produce a testis-specific form of the lamin protein; which reshapes the nucleus A rigid perinuclear ring containing keratin is assembled in the cytoplasm The acrosome is formed at the anterior pole that contains a membrane-bound enzyme-rich compartment. Release of these enzymes from a spermatozoon will aid in penetrating the barriers between sperm and egg during fertilization

10 Male Reproductive System 10

11 Male Reproductive System: Leydig cells 11 Small masses of highly vascular connective tissue can be found just external to the seminferous tubules, in the interstices between tubules Specialized cells called the interstitial cells of Leydig are located in this connective tissue These cells have an endocrine function and secrete testosterone and their own specific isoform of insulin Round, euchromatic nucleus and large eosinophilic cytoplasm dominated by lipid droplets, mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

12 Male Reproductive System 12

13 Male Reproductive System 13

14 Male Reproductive System 14 Simple cuboidal epithelium of the rete testis

15 Male Reproductive System 15 Epididymis on left Efferent ductule on right

16 Male Reproductive System 16 Epithelium of the epididymis

17 Male Reproductive System 17 Vas deferens – lumen lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium with long microvilli plus a small amount of dense, irregular connective tissue - Thick layer of smooth muscle; a distinguishing feature of vas deferens

18 Male Reproductive System 18 Prostrate gland showing secretory acini, urethra and ejaculatory ducts

19 Male Reproductive System 19 Cross section of penis

20 Female Reproductive System 20 Ovaries Form in a fetus under influence of X chromosome Primordial germ cells, called oocytes, in outermost cortical region of ovary Primordial follicle = small oocyte enclosed in a single layer of simple squamous cells derived from the surrounding ovarian connective tissue (stroma) Cortical region has a layer of dense connective tissue called tunica albuginea and a layer of epithelium called the germinal epithelium At puberty, oocytes and follicles enlarge due to the expression of gonadotropins Small number develop into primary follicles

21 Female Reproductive System 21

22 Female Reproductive System 22

23 Female Reproductive System 23 Primary follicle zona pellucida secreted by oocyte cells outside zona pellucida round up and divide to form the cells of the granulosa layer

24 Female Reproductive System 24 Secondary follicle granulosa cells secrete large amounts of fluid called liquor folliculi that accumulates within a large space called an antrum As the antrum enlarges the follicle become ready for ovulation – graafian follicle

25 Female Reproductive System 25

26 Female Reproductive System 26

27 Female Reproductive System 27

28 Questions 28

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