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Using root words to work out meaning. Instructions  Get out your vocabulary books  Turn to the back  Write the title ‘ Roots Words ’  ….then write.

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Presentation on theme: "Using root words to work out meaning. Instructions  Get out your vocabulary books  Turn to the back  Write the title ‘ Roots Words ’  ….then write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using root words to work out meaning

2 Instructions  Get out your vocabulary books  Turn to the back  Write the title ‘ Roots Words ’  ….then write down each root, the meaning & all the examples

3 ‘ Ami ’ – Love (French)  Amiable  Amicable  Amino  Amity

4 ‘ Aqua ’ – Water (Latin)  Aquarium  Aquatic  Aqueduct

5 Arch – Chief, leader, ruler (Greek)  Archangel  Monarch  Archaic  Archenemy  Archduke  Overarching

6 ‘ Bio ’ – Life (Greek)  Biography  Autobiography  Biology  Antibiotic  Biochemical  Biodiversity  Biopsy

7 ‘ Cap ’ – take, seize (French)  Capture  Captivate  Capacity  Capable  Capitalise

8 ‘ Chron ’ – time (Greek)  Chronicle  Chronology  Chronometer  Synchronise  Synchronicity

9 ‘ Chrom ’ – colour (Greek)  Chromatic  Monochrome  Polychrome  Chromatography  Chromium  Chromosome  Achromatic

10 ‘ Cred ’ – believe (Latin)  Credible  Credulous  Credibility  Credit  Credo  Credentials

11 ‘ Demo ’ – people (French)  Demography  Democracy  Epidemic  Democrat  Democratic

12 ‘ Dic ’ – speak (Latin)  Dictate  Predict  Diction  Indict  Dictation  Dictator

13 ‘ Duc ’ / ’ Duct ’ – Lead (Latin)  Induce  Deduce  Seduction  Conduct  Abduct

14 ‘ Ego ’ – self/I (Latin)  Egotist  Egomania  Egotistical  Egocentric

15 ‘ Equ ’ – Equal (Latin)  Equal  Equity  Equate  Equidistant  Equality  Equalise  Equation  Equator  Equidistant

16 ‘ Fac ’ – make/do (Latin)  Manufacture  Factory  Benefactor  Factor  Factorise

17 ‘ Geo ’ – Earth (Greek)  Geology  Geography  Geothermal  Geopolitical  Geocentric  Geophysics  George (meaning ‘ farmer ’ )

18 ‘ Hydro ’ – Water (Greek)  Hydroelectric  Dehydrate  Hydraulics  Hydroplane  Hydrotherapy  Hydrofoil

19 ‘ Min ’ – small (French)  Minority  Minuscule  Minute  Minim  Minimalist  Minimum  Mini skirt  Minor

20 ‘ Mot/Mob/Mov ’ – Move (French)  Mobile  Automobile  Promote  Movie  Movement  Movable  removable

21 ‘ Mut ’ – Change (Latin)  Mutant  Mutate  Mutability

22 ‘ Nov ’ – New (Latin)  Novel  Renovate  Innovation  Novella  Novel  Novelty  Novice  Renovation

23 Nym/Onym – Word/Name (Greek)  Synonym  Acronym  Anonymous  Pseudonym  Homonym  Antonym

24 ‘ Pater ’ – Father (Latin)  Paternal  Paternity  Patrilineal  Patriotic  Patriarch

25 ‘ Path ’ – feeling/suffering (Greek)  Empathy  Sympathy  Telepathy  Apathy  Pathology

26 ‘ Pel/Puls ’ – Push (Latin)  Pulsate  Repulsive  Impulse  Compel  Propel  Propeller  Repellant

27 ‘ Pend ’ – hang/weigh (French)  Pendulum  Pendant  Suspend  Suspension  Pending  Pensive

28 ‘ Photo ’ – Light (Greek)  Photosensitive  Photograph  Photographer  Photostat  Photocopier  Photocopy  Photosynthesis  Photogenic  Photophobia

29 ‘ Port ’ – carry (Latin)  Porter  Portable  Transport  Portage  Report  Portly  Portfolio  Passport

30 ‘ Scent/Scend ’ – climb (Latin)  Ascend  Ascension  Ascent  Crescendo  Descend  Transcend

31 ‘ Sci ’ – know (Latin)  Scientific  Science  Conscience

32 ‘ Scrib/Script ’ – write (Latin)  Ascribe  Manuscript  Proscribe  Scripture  Scribble  Describe  subscribe

33 ‘ Sens/Sent ’ – feel, be aware (Latin)  Sensible  Sentient  Sentiment  Sentimental  Consent  Dissent

34 ‘ Simil ’ – same (Latin)  Similar  Assimilate  Simile  Fascimile (fax)  Similarity  Verisimilitude

35 ‘ Soph ’ – wisdom, knowledge (Greek)  Philosophy  Sophisticated  Sophomore

36 ‘ Spir ’ – breathe (French)  Respiration  Inspire  Conspire  Perspiration

37 ‘ Therm ’ – heat (Greek)  Thermal  Thermos  Thermometer  Thermostat  Hypothermia  Isotherm

38 ‘ Zoo ’ – animal (Greek)  Zoo  Zoological  Zoologist  Zoomorphic  Zoophobia

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