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11th grade Vocabulary Base Words and Root Words. Vocabulary Format Latin root word Latin suffix Definition examples.

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Presentation on theme: "11th grade Vocabulary Base Words and Root Words. Vocabulary Format Latin root word Latin suffix Definition examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 11th grade Vocabulary Base Words and Root Words

2 Vocabulary Format Latin root word Latin suffix Definition examples

3 verify Ver- means “truth” -ify or -fy means “to make or cause something to become” Determine the truth or accuracy by testing or investigating Did you verify what you read, or did you accept it without a question?

4 credence Cred- is a Latin root meaning “belief” The Latin suffix -ence means “state” or “condition” Something you believe I place absolutely no credence in the rumor of 2012.

5 equanimity Equa- means “level” or “even” -ity means “state or condition” Quality of being calm and even-tempered The witness maintained his equanimity even when faced with hostile questioning. Even keeled personality

6 stringent String- or strict- is a Latin root meaning “to tie” -ent means “to cause a condition or action” Severe; imposing tough standards The formation of the Dead Poet’s Society was a chance for the boys to break from the stringent routine of prep school.

7 carnage Carn- is a Latin root meaning “flesh” a slaughter or a massacre The appalling carnage in Chechnya forced the UN forces to intervene.

8 brevity Brev- is a Latin root meaning “short” Quality of being brief The brevity of Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge kept the plot interesting.

9 incisive Incis- is a Latin root meaning “to cut” 1- penetrating, clear, sharp 2- impressively direct, and decisive (in manner or presentation) Incisive remark

10 legacy Leg- means “law” Money or property given to another by will, something handed down to another His great grandfather’s legacy continues to have an influence in their financial opportunities.

11 tenacious Tene- means “to hold” French and Latin suffix - ious means “full of” Tending to hold on to something firmly and stubbornly George stuck to his own ideas, regarding Lennie, in such a tenacious way.

12 temporize Temp- means “time” The Greek suffix –ize makes a word a verb act in a way to gain time or find excuses You’d have to temporize until you find out what she wants.

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