The Pacific Rim United States takes Hawaii. Pacific Rim Just as the Europeans powers rushed to divide Africa, they also competed to carve up the lands.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pacific Rim United States takes Hawaii. Pacific Rim Just as the Europeans powers rushed to divide Africa, they also competed to carve up the lands."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pacific Rim United States takes Hawaii

2 Pacific Rim Just as the Europeans powers rushed to divide Africa, they also competed to carve up the lands of Southeast Asia. These land form part of the Pacific Rim, the countries that border the Pacific Ocean. Netherlands (Dutch East India Company)- Indonesian Islands Great Britain- Singapore France- Indochina Germany- Marshal Islands, New Guinea, Solomon Islands United States- Philippines, Hawaii


4 US Imperialism Acquired Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam from Spain after the Spanish-American War in 1898. President McKinley told a group of Methodists ministers his intention to “educate Filipinos, and upfligt and Christianize them.”

5 Hawaii Interest in late 1700s- Port on the way to China and East India. 1800s- Sugar trade, Americans established sugar-cane plantations and became highly successful. mid-1800s- Americans gain political power in Hawaii. Business leaders pushed for annexation of Hawaii.

6 Queen Liliuokalani

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