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Credit Cards And other Electronic Payment Transactions.

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1 Credit Cards And other Electronic Payment Transactions

2 COMCASH Electronic Transactions  Continue to use existing stand alone units  COMCASH simply prints receipts  Integrate these services into COMCASH  PC Charge Payment Server Credit cardsCredit cards Debit cardsDebit cards EBT cardsEBT cards Check VerificationCheck Verification

3 The advantages of integrating COMCASH with PC Charge:  Transaction speed  Accuracy – less human error  Integration into closeout reports  Convenience  Security

4 Get a Merchant Service Provider  If you do not already have a merchant service provider COMCASH will help you get one  Must be supported by PC Charge  Important information provided by the merchant service provider  merchant number  terminal number  processor ID  phone numbers  IP address  etc  Needed when setting up PC Charge to work with the service provider

5 Purchase PC Charge Payment Server with COMCASH  Only one copy of PC Charge will be installed per site. Regardless of the number of registers processing credit cards.

6 PC Charge Site Licenses vs. User licenses  One PC Charge installation per location  One ‘site license’ (serial number)  Site license  includes one ‘user license’  For a single register operation one ‘user license’ is all you will need  Purchase an additional ‘user licenses’ for each additional register


8 PC Charge Payment Server is a stand alone application  capable of processing transactions (without COMCASH)  supported by Go Software  Install, configure and test PC Charge (with the aid of Go Software) as a stand alone application before integrating it into COMCASH  Test it by successfully completing a pre- authorization from the PC Charge interface

9 PC Charge - Installation and setup  Only one machine per location needs to have PC Charge installed on it  The host PC needs to have either a modem\phone line or an internet connection  Install the software according to the included instructions  Call Go Software – (be sure to have your merchant service provider information)  Go Software will help you configure PC Charge to work with you’re your merchant service provider  They will help you test the installation  You can now process payment transactions in PC Charge

10 Integrate PC Charge with COMCASH  Be sure that PC Charge is currently able to process transactions as a stand alone application  PC Charge must be running for the register to process transactions  Put it in the startup folder so it starts automatically with Windows.  Typically it runs minimized (you will see a green dollar sign in the system tray)

11 Setting up the Register in COMCASH  In COMCASH Manager Edit the register  On the “General Info” tab check the “PC\Active- Charge Installed”  On the “Credit Card” tab  Enter the “Drop file path”  Enter the processor IDs  From the PC-Charge “Help” and “About” screen  Enter the Merchant Number  From the PC-Charge “Help” and “About” screen  Enter Zero for the number of receipts  This refers to PC Charge receipts not COMCASH receipts






17 Batches and Special Transactions  Transactions are gathered in a batch  The batch needs to be settled (in PC Charge) daily  While the transaction is in the batch it can be voided (otherwise it must be credited)  Pre authorize and post authorize  Check verification and check validation


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