1 Paraconsistent Resolution for Four-valued Description Logics Yue Ma 1,2, Pascal Hitzler 1, Zuoquan Lin 2 1 AIFB Institute, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Paraconsistent Resolution for Four-valued Description Logics Yue Ma 1,2, Pascal Hitzler 1, Zuoquan Lin 2 1 AIFB Institute, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Paraconsistent Resolution for Four-valued Description Logics Yue Ma 1,2, Pascal Hitzler 1, Zuoquan Lin 2 1 AIFB Institute, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany 2 School of Mathematical Science, Peking University, China 26 th, Mar. 2007@ Koblenz

2 Y.Ma, P.Hitzler, Z.Lin2 Mar.07, Koblenz Semantic Web from Logical View -- An official project of w3c, founded by Tim Berners-Lee, the web’s inventor Flexible Syntax + Formal Semantics  OWL (Ontology Web Language) Once a piece of information is tagged, Semantic Web can reason with contents SecurityTokenType TokenType UsernamerToken SecurityTokenType SecurityTokenType(a) implies TokenType(a) UsernamerToken is a subclass of TokenType OWL

3 Y.Ma, P.Hitzler, Z.Lin3 Mar.07, Koblenz The language Reasoning tasks correspond to the entailment of a FOL KB The reasoners:  Tableau-based decision procedures FaCT++, Pellet, RacerPro, Cerebra Engine… FaCT++PelletRacerProCerebra Engine  Resolution-based decision procedure: KAON2 (http://kaon2.semanticweb.org/) KAON2 Description Logics (decidable subsets of FOL)

4 Y.Ma, P.Hitzler, Z.Lin4 Mar.07, Koblenz Inconsistency Handling Information may be distributed and multi- authored, be assembled from different sources and reused. Ontology Learning and Mapping Approaches:  Pinpoint, debugging  Paraconsistent semantics

5 Y.Ma, P.Hitzler, Z.Lin5 Mar.07, Koblenz Our Work [1] The definition of

6 Y.Ma, P.Hitzler, Z.Lin6 Mar.07, Koblenz Our Work [2] 4-valued Entailment v.s. Unsatisfiability Translating KB into Clauses 4-valued Ordered Resolution Decision Procedure

7 Y.Ma, P.Hitzler, Z.Lin7 Mar.07, Koblenz Thank you! Refer to poster for more details

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