PinPoint APRS® A Quick Overview Frank Watervoort ABØWV.

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Presentation on theme: "PinPoint APRS® A Quick Overview Frank Watervoort ABØWV."— Presentation transcript:

1 PinPoint APRS® A Quick Overview Frank Watervoort ABØWV

2 Requirements Required Software The latest version of PinPoint (free, D24 donation recommended) Microsoft.NET framework 2.0 (free) Microsoft MapPoint 2004 or 2006 (approx $70+, 60- day free trial, take a look at eBay as well) Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) Optional Software Microsoft Streets & Trips 2008 (approx $40)

3 Requirements Required Hardware PC with at least a Pentium III, Windows 2000, XP or Vista, 256MB of memory, 512MB recommended At least one serial port (USB to serial will work) VHF or UHF radio setup with supported TNC (Kantronics products or Kenwood D7, D700, D710, TS2000) Optional Hardware NMEA compatible serial GPS, attached to PC or attached to D7/D700/D710

4 Installation Install all required software, order doesn’t matter Updating maps with Streets & Trips 2008? Copy c:\program files\streets & trips 2008\data directory contents to c:\program files\mappoint\data Default installation options are fine Make sure serial port is ready to go (if you have a USB to serial converter, install it, including drivers) Attach TNC to PC and radio, GPS if available

5 Installation Using a D7/D700/D710? It needs to be in TNC mode, not APRS mode! Default TNC speed is 9600bps, GPS is 4800bps Start up MapPoint 2004/2006 once, to agree to Microsoft’s Terms & Conditions and close it down again (only needed once) …and finally, fire up PinPoint using the icon on your desktop. You should have a screen that looks like this:


7 Configuration Go to the Tools > Options menu On the General tab, change the call sign & SSID On the TNC tab, set up your TNC Optional: On the GPS tab, set up your GPS and your initial position Walk through other options to set preferences Click OK to save changes permanently

8 Configuration







15 Using PinPoint TNC: connects or disconnects The TNC. Green means connected GPS: connects/disconnects the GPS (not used with GPS pass thru) Beacon: controls beaconing Track: track all stations on map Filters: enable filters. Define filters under ‘Edit’ menu. Alarms: enable alarms. Define alarms under ‘Edit’ menu. Mute: turn all sound off

16 Using PinPoint Lat /Lon is your current latitude / longitude if using a GPS Course is the course you are heading down Accuracy is the GPS calculated accuracy for your position Altitude is your current altitude Speed is your GPS calculated speed in MPH. Sats is the number of satellites that the GPS currently uses Fix gives an idea of the quality of your position calculation

17 Using PinPoint The Last Heard window shows information for each APRS Packet Type (Position, Weather, Msg, etc) The information shown for each type of APRS packet is dependent on the information that is available in the APRS packet, so not all reports look the same, even within message types.

18 Using PinPoint Last Heard window Right-click on a call sign: Track on map Show on map Show aerial view Callsign lookup Send message Get driving directions Remove station Sort alphabetically Get FindU history Plot DF bearing

19 Aerial View

20 Bird’s eye View

21 Call sign lookup

22 Driving directions

23 Direction Finding

24 Edit Filters

25 Edit Alarms

26 Using PinPoint The TNC Data screen shows raw data received from and sent to TNC Show GPS shows raw NMEA data coming from GPS To send a command to the TNC, enter it, click Send Clear clears all raw TNC data in the TNC Data screen Save allows you to save the raw TNC data for later ‘playback’ Suspend allows you to Suspend display of additional raw TNC data until you click it again

27 Using PinPoint


29 Hold SHIFT key while you click on the map

30 Using PinPoint Hold SHIFT key while You RIGHT click on the map

31 Using PinPoint Keyboard shortcuts (make sure Map is not the active window): Z – Zoom – Temporarily zooms map in or out R – Restore Initial Map View M – Minimize all pinpoint windows to the task bar N – Night mode – Sets all windows and map to night mode B – Force beacon – Beacons immediately if the TNC is connected F – FindU lookup – Plots FindU history on the map P – Presbyopia mode – Switches to larger fonts W – Reset the main PinPoint window sizes and locations D – Plot DF bearing on map shortcut

32 Night mode

33 Examples


35 Poker Run (all beacons)

36 Poker Run (sweeps only)

37 What’s next? Full APRS 1.1 / 1.2 implementation ….. D700 D710 Limited remote control ….. Decaying packet algorithm ….. Proportional path’ing ….. Path analysis ….. Enhanced mapping icon set ….. Rotating status texts ….. APRS object enhancements ….. Frequency objects ….. CWOP station reporting ….. iGate ….. Trip computer ….. Severe weather alert map overlay ….. Incident management enhancements ….. Weather station interface ….. etc ….. etc Users determine the development priorities…

38 Questions? If you have questions about the use of PinPoint or suggestions for future capabilities, please send an email to ABØWV@aresd24.orgABØ If you like PinPoint, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to ARES District 24 of Douglas & Elbert Counties

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