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Fasting and Lent. What is Lent? Lent is an event in the Christian calendar, which is observed in the lead up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday*,

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Presentation on theme: "Fasting and Lent. What is Lent? Lent is an event in the Christian calendar, which is observed in the lead up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday*,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fasting and Lent

2 What is Lent?

3 Lent is an event in the Christian calendar, which is observed in the lead up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday*, and lasts for 40 days. During this time Christians will abstain* from something, as a way to imitate Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross, and his withdrawal into the desert. People may also take up something as well.

4 What sort of things may people give up at Lent?

5 Chocolate and Sweets Internet Television Meat Fizzy Drinks Bad Habits

6 What would you give up for Lent?

7 What sort of things may people take up during Lent?

8 Exercise Healthy Eating Random Act of Kindness Read more Learn a new Language

9 What would you take up during Lent?

10 Activity: Make an African Lenten Tree Over Lent your class will have lots of activities to do. When a task is complete, you hang it on your Lenten Tree as part of a display.

11 For Christians, Fasting (taking up/giving up something is a time to reflect on Jesus’ teachings and how they live their lives. Taking up the Live Below the Line Challenge is an opportunity for anybody to experience something of the lives of people who live in poverty, and take action by fundraising.

12 What is Live Below the Line? Live Below the Line is an awareness and fundraising campaign, challenging individuals and communities to eat and drink on £1 a day. By taking part in LBTL, you are shining a light on the 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty, on just £1 a day. In 2015, schools across the country will take part in Live Below the Line by eating and drinking on £1 for one whole day.

13 Can you help Send a Cow to change lives? Take up the Live Below the Line challenge and raise money for our Burundi campaign. Burundi is the hungriest country in the world. Families here have been living on much less for a lifetime. Hunger ultimately means loss of life - and of all hope for any kind of meaningful future.

14 Send a Cow: Burundi

15 With the money you raise we can start to end hunger in the country one family, one community at a time. It raise means we can get into the heart of these communities and, within months, see them growing enough food to feed their families.

16 For every £100 you raise we will support a group to set up an allotment to grow fruit and veg to feed their families and sell. And for every person helped, a further 9 benefit, spreading the impact of the money you raise still further.

17 Crucially, your support will mean people feel valued, not forgotten. This is the spark. When a person feels valued they believe they can take the livestock and the knowledge we provide and shape their own future. It starts with an appetite for change. We simply provide the means to make that happen. Will you help us?

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