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ESL Resource for Pre-Employment AIR Program at Spokane Community College Brian Briggs Community Colleges of Spokane.

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2 ESL Resource for Pre-Employment AIR Program at Spokane Community College Brian Briggs Community Colleges of Spokane

3 What will I learn in this lesson? The difference between garbage and hazardous waste Solid-waste facilities Signs to watch for in the workplace Types and categories of dangerous materials New vocabulary

4 But it looks like garbage! Wait! Hazardous waste is very dangerous! It is important to learn about how to dispose of it safely. Garbage Hazardous Waste Food Yard Waste Recyclables—paper, metal, glass, plastic, etc. Wood Paints Cleaning Solvents Oil Batteries Acid Ink Pesticides

5 Solid-Waste Facility Many cities have solid-waste facilities Household and everyday garbage, recyclables, yard waste, and hazardous waste disposal Learn the rules of your workplace Spokane’s Waste-to-Energy plant

6 Warning Signs Read the signs carefully! They tell you which waste is safe and which is not.

7 Hazardous Materials Labels Please watch the video.

8 Aerosol Cans Aerosol cans are very common in a factory. They contain many different chemicals which can help you do your job. However, they can be very dangerous to dispose of.

9 Paints and Coatings Dispose of these used items (cans and brushes) at the solid waste facility. There is a special area for them.

10 Solvents Cleaning Supplies Detergents Soaps

11 Categories of Dangerous Waste Ignitable (to ignite-verb) Corrosive (to corrode-verb) Reactive (to react-verb) Toxicity (toxic-adj.)

12 Vocabulary you should know… Dispose \di- ˈ spōz\ Recycle \( ˌ )rē- ˈ sī-k ə l\ Hazardous \ ˈ ha-z ə r-d ə s\ Waste \ ˈ wāst\ Aerosol \ ˈ er- ə - ˌ sȯl\

13 Vocabulary Spill \ ˈ spil\ Garbage \ ˈ gär-bij\ Chemical \ ˈ ke-mi-k ə l\ Facility \f ə - ˈ si-l ə -tē\ Corrosive \k ə - ˈ rō-siv\

14 Review Take the quiz for this lesson and see if you understand this information. Unless otherwise specified, this work by Air Washington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.Air WashingtonCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License

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