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Presentation on theme: "WHAT WILL THE PREACHER SAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?"— Presentation transcript:

Most people will have some sort of service to honor and remember their life after they die. Whether a preacher or friend speaks, we must ask ourselves: “What will that person say about me?”

2 INTRODUCTION One of my responsibilities as a Christian and a preacher is to try and comfort families who have lost loved ones. Comfort can come about through one or more of several avenues: friendship and support; helping out in areas where perhaps the load can be made lighter; expressions of love; but the greatest degree of comfort should come from the Word of God.

3 FUNERALS I have never preached an “easy” funeral.
All funerals are difficult from the standpoint of emotions involved. However, some funerals are “easier to preach” than others. At times, a great degree of comfort can be offered from God’s Word because the deceased was a Christian.

4 FUNERALS At other times and tragically, no hope can be offered from the Scriptures on behalf of the deceased. These are the most difficult, once again because of the emotions. Once, because I could not say anything positive about a loved one, I was accused of preaching him into hell.

5 FUNERALS We understand, however, that nothing said at a memorial service will change the destiny of the deceased. All remarks are directed to the living; remarks designed to comfort the family if possible; and to cause us to see the need to prepare for death (because we cannot avoid it).

6 FUNERALS Many of you, perhaps, have a pre-arranged funeral.
That is, everything is arranged and paid for in advance. This also would take a load off the family during such a difficult time.

7 FUNERALS In considering the idea of a “pre-arranged” funeral, I will like to suggest that you also “pre-arrange” what the preacher will say at your funeral. Upon learning that her cancer was terminal, sister Sylvia called me to her bedside and told me to preach her funeral. Notice, she did not ask me to preach her funeral, but that is just the way she was.

8 FUNERALS Sister Sylvia told me to load up both barrels and let them have it. Most of her children knew the truth, but had drifted away into denominationalism, and some just gave up on God altogether. I honored her request, yet tried my best not to be mean about it. I got mostly positive comments from the family.

9 FUNERALS Let’s take some time to consider a few things that might/could be said at your service. At your memorial service, will the preacher be able to say: *That you were baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins (Acts 2:38)? *That you attended every service of the church when you were physically able.     (Hebrews 10:25)?

10 FUNERALS *That you exerted a positive Christian influence (Matthew 5:16)? *That you visited the sick and demonstrated concern for the less fortunate.  (Matthew 25:35,36)? *That you tried to encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ (Hebrews 3:13)? *That you tried your best to help the church grow (Ephesians 4:11-16)

11 FUNERALS *That you taught your children the way of the Lord and led them in the right way.  (Ephesians 6:4)? [For some, this may be a duty that came too late in life] *That you were a Christian husband or wife (Ephesians 5:22-33)? *That you demonstrated concern for your wayward brothers and sisters in Christ.  (Galatians 6:1)?

12 FUNERALS *That you truly loved the Lord and His church (Matthew 22:37)? *That going to Heaven and taking others with you was the most important thing to you (Philippians 3:14)? *That you followed the Master’s example, and went about doing God’s will (Luke 2:49)?

13 CONCLUSION As stated, what the preacher does or does not say at your memorial service will not change your destiny. However, if he is able to say the aforementioned things, it would be a great comfort to your family and possibly cause someone to follow your example! Now, think! What will the preacher say at your funeral? Remember.... YOU, NOT THE PREACHER, WILL DECIDE!


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