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2. What does a government do? 3. Why do people need government?

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1 2. What does a government do? 3. Why do people need government?
ANSWER QUESTIONS What is government? 2. What does a government do? 3. Why do people need government? 4. What types of government are there?

2 What is government? Human beings need the help of one another to survive and prosper. They therefore live in communities. The organization that people set up to protect their community and to enforce its rules is called GOVERNMENT.

3 GOVERNMENT What is government?
Government is an organization people set up to protect the community and make rules

4 2. What does a government do?

5 2. What does a government do?
Protects the community Makes laws Keeps order

6 3. Why do people need government?

7 3. Why do people need government?
For protection of people and property Making rules Enforcing laws

8 4. What types of government
are there?

9 4. What types of government
are there? Four common types are: Monarchy Dictatorship Democracy Theocracy

10 The type of government that we have affects
Governments are very important to us. They affect everything in our lives. The type of government that we have affects where we live where we work what we eat where we go to school what we wear

11 There are different forms of Government.
Oligarchy Democracy Feudalism There are different forms of Government. Monarchy Totalitarianism Authoritarianism Republic

12 Anarchy Anarchy is a situation where there is no government. This can happen after a civil war in a country, when a government has been destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take its place. Anarchists are people who believe that government is a bad thing in that it stops people organizing their own lives.

13 MONARCHY oldest form of government
ruler inherits power (passes to children or close relatives) ordinary people had no rights or freedoms “divine right” or will of God kings, queens, emperors or sultans *Constitutional Monarchy (protected rights of people) Henry VIII of England

14 What types of government does the United States have?

15 DEMOCRACY-gov. based on the will of the people (voting or electing)
Direct Democracy- voting on issues directly. EX: Athens, Greece Representative- different social groups elect their own reps. EX: Romans, Senate England – House of Commons (English Parliament)

16 Totalitarian Systems-government controlled all aspects of individual life.
Types: Dictatorship Communist Authoritarian Oligarchy

17 DICTATORSHIP-gov. in which a single person or small group exercises complete power

18 Lykurgos from ancient Sparta
Oligarchy Most of the political power in the government is controlled by a small group (usually the wealthiest or most ruthless). Lykurgos from ancient Sparta South Africa’s Oligarchy rule known as apartheid ended in 1994 when Mandela became president.

19 Communist gov. controlled all aspects of individual life.

20 THEOCRACY-gov. run by religious leaders (older form of gov.)

21 Feudalism

22 In the Middle Ages, the king would award land to his most important nobles (lords, barons, bishops).
Feudalism Those nobles controlled their own lands. They minted their own money and levied taxes. They provided protection to peasants in exchange for living and working on their lands. They also demanded military service and provided soldiers to the king.

23 1. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: The pharaoh was an absolute ruler. He commanded the army and controlled irrigation and grain supplies. People in this society considered the pharaoh to be a god.

24 2. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT In the first century AD, the Greeks recognized three types of government: monarchy, aristocracy, and anarchy. The Jews at the time did not fit into any of these categories as they believed only God and his laws were sovereign.

25 3. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: In 450 B.C. this civilization assembled and all citizens voted on laws. A council of 500 prepared business for the assembly.

26 4. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: The Nazi Party took over every aspect of this country’s social, economic & political life. Hitler quickly secured his power by burning down a legislative building and used the incident to obtain emergency powers, becoming an absolute ruler.

27 5. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: In this country some people are elected to make laws and some people are appointed officials.

28 1. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: The pharaoh was an absolute ruler. He commanded the army and controlled irrigation and grain supplies. People in this society considered the pharaoh to be a god. Monarchy

29 2. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT In the first century AD, the Greeks recognized three types of government: monarchy, aristocracy, and anarchy. The Jews at the time did not fit into any of these categories as they believed only God and his laws were sovereign. Theocracy

30 3. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: In 450 B.C. this civilization assembled and all citizens voted on laws. A council of 500 prepared business for the assembly. Direct Democracy

31 4. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: The Nazi Party took over every aspect of this country’s social, economic & political life. Hitler quickly secured his power by burning down a legislative building and used the incident to obtain emergency powers, becoming an absolute ruler. Dictatorship

32 5. NAME THAT GOVERNMENT: In this country some people are elected to make laws and some people are appointed officials. Representative Democracy

33 Applying What You Have Learned
Which government do you think is the best? (Explain your answer) For more information USE page 83 in your textbook. TOMORROW WE WILL BE MEETING IN THE COMPUTER LAB!

34 On the other side of your note card answer this question:
APPLYING WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED (answer on the back of your notes): Chose one type of government discussed above. Look up this type of government on the Internet, textbook or in the library. Find a country where this type exists or once existed. Then briefly describe how it operates or operated.







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