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CS 171: Introduction to Computer Science II Mergesort.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 171: Introduction to Computer Science II Mergesort."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 171: Introduction to Computer Science II Mergesort

2  We’ll implement our own Deque (doubly- ended queue) !  You’ve been given a singly-linked list implementation  But removeLast() is too slow   Goal:  Implement using an iterable doubly-linked list  Due:  What would you like?


4  Elementary sorting (quadratic cost)  Bubble sort  Selection sort  Insertion sort  Recursion (review) and analysis  Advanced sorting  MergeSort  QuickSort

5 Basic idea – Divide an array into two halves – Sort each half – Merge the two sorted halves into a sorted array

6  A divide and conquer approach using recursion  Partition the original problem into two sub-problems  Solve each sub-problem using recursion (sort)  Combine the results to solve the original problem (merge)

7  Merge Two Sorted Arrays  A key step in mergesort  Assume subarrays a[lo..mid] (left half) and a[mid+1...hi] (right half) are sorted  Copy a[] to an auxiliary array aux[]  Merge the two halves of aux[] to a[] ▪ Such that it contains all elements and remains sorted

8 Merging Two Sorted Arrays  Start from the first elements of each half  Compare and copy the smaller element to a[]  Increment index for the array that had the smaller element  Continue  If we reach the end of either half  Copy the remaining elements of the other half  What’s the cost of merging N elements?




12 First base case encountered

13 Return, and continue

14 Merge




18  Animation   German folk dance  o o

19  MergeSort  Recursive Algorithm (top-down)  Improvements  Non-recursive algorithm (bottom-up)  Runtime analysis of recursive algorithms  QuickSort

20  Recursion overhead for tiny subarrays  Merging cost even when the array is already sorted  Requires additional memory space for auxiliary array  QuickSort will address this later



23   Use insertion sort for small subarrays  improve the running time by 10 to 15 percent.  Test whether array is already in order  reduce merging cost for sorted subarrays  Eliminate the copy to the auxiliary array  Switches the role of the input array and the auxiliary array at each level ▪ one sorts an input array and puts the sorted output in the auxiliary array ▪ one sorts the auxiliary array and puts the sorted output in the given array

24  MergeSort  Recursive Algorithm (top-down)  Improvements  Non-recursive algorithm (bottom-up)  Runtime analysis of recursive algorithms  QuickSort

25 Recursive MergeSort (top-down)

26 Non-Recursive MergeSort (bottom-up)



29  MergeSort  Recursive Algorithm (top-down)  Improvements  Non-recursive algorithm (bottom-up)  Runtime analysis of recursive algorithms  QuickSort



32  Mergesort  Recursively sort 2 half-arrays  Merge 2 half-arrays into 1 array

33  Mergesort  Recursively sort 2 half-arrays  Merge 2 half-arrays into 1 array (cost: N)  Suppose cost function for sorting N items is T(N)  T(N) = 2 * T(N/2) + N  T(1) = 0

34  Mergesort  Recursively sort 2 half-arrays  Merge 2 half-arrays into 1 array (cost: N)  Suppose cost function for sorting N items is T(N)  T(N) = 2 * T(N/2) + N  T(1) = 0  Big O cost: N lg(N)


36  http://www.smbc- http://www.smbc-

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