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1 Windows Goodies CIS 577 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Windows Goodies CIS 577 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Windows Goodies CIS 577 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn

2 2 LaMothe Examples

3 3 Timers Low accuracy timers –WM_TIMER messages Medium accuracy timers –Milliseconds of elapsed CPU time High accuracy timers –Uses programmer written callback functions

4 4 Creating Timers // global timer defines #define TIMER_ID1_SEC 1 // id of 1 sec timer #define TIMER_ID3_SEC 2 // id of 3 sec timer // inside callback function switch statement static int counter1=0, // counters counter2=0; case WM_CREATE: { // do initialization stuff here // create a 1 second timer SetTimer(hwnd, TIMER_ID1_SEC, 1000,NULL); // now the 3 second timer SetTimer(hwnd, TIMER_ID3_SEC, 3000,NULL); // return success return(0); } break;

5 5 WM_TIMER Messages case WM_TIMER: { switch(wparam) //test what timer fired { case TIMER_ID1_SEC: { // print out a message hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // get the dc SetTextColor(hdc,RGB(0,255,0)); SetBkColor(hdc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetBkMode(hdc,OPAQUE); sprintf(buffer, "The 1 second timer has fired %d times",++counter1); TextOut(hdc,0,0,buffer,strlen(buffer)); ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc); } break;

6 6 WM_TIMER Messages case WM_TIMER: { switch(wparam) //test what timer fired { case TIMER_ID1_SEC: { // print out a message hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // get the dc SetTextColor(hdc,RGB(0,255,0)); SetBkColor(hdc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetBkMode(hdc,OPAQUE); sprintf(buffer, "The 1 second timer has fired %d times",++counter1); TextOut(hdc,0,0,buffer,strlen(buffer)); ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc); } break;

7 7 WM_TIMER Messages case TIMER_ID3_SEC: { // print out a message hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // get the dc SetTextColor(hdc,RGB(0,255,0)); SetBkColor(hdc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetBkMode(hdc,OPAQUE); sprintf(buffer, "The 3 second timer has fired %d times",++counter2); TextOut(hdc,0,0,buffer,strlen(buffer)); ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc); } break; //.. test for other id's default:break; } // end switch

8 8 Tick Counters // get time referrence DWORD start_time = GetTickCount(); // lock time to 30 fps (approx. 33 milliseconds) while((GetTickCount() - start_time) < 33); Remember TickCount cannot be set to 0

9 9 Resources What can you add to your application under Windows? –Strings –Menus –Dialog boxes –Bitmaps –Icons –Sounds

10 10 Resources Resources are stored in files with the extension.RC Resources are compiled into resource libraries with the extension.RES

11 11 Creating Menus Create windows resource script for menu definition file (.RC) Create header file (.h) that contains menu constant definitions Add resource script (.RC) to project Include header file (.h) in C++ code Write code to load menu into application Write code to process WM_COMMAND messages Compile everything to an.EXE file

12 12 Demo3_4.RC #include "DEMO3_4RES.H" // the icon and cursor resource ICON_T3DX ICON t3dx.ico CURSOR_CROSSHAIR CURSOR crosshair.cur // the sound resources SOUND_ID_ENERGIZE WAVE energize.wav SOUND_ID_BEAM WAVE beam.wav SOUND_ID_TELEPORT WAVE teleport.wav SOUND_ID_WARP WAVE warp.wav // the menu resource SoundMenu MENU DISCARDABLE { POPUP "&File" { MENUITEM "E&xit", MENU_FILE_ID_EXIT } // end popup

13 13 Demo3_4.RC POPUP "&PlaySound" { MENUITEM "Energize!", MENU_PLAY_ID_ENERGIZE MENUITEM "Beam Me Up", MENU_PLAY_ID_BEAM MENUITEM "Engage Teleporter", MENU_PLAY_ID_TELEPORT MENUITEM "Quantum Warp Teleport", MENU_PLAY_ID_WARP } // end popup POPUP "Help" { MENUITEM "About", MENU_HELP_ABOUT } // end popup } // end top level menu

14 14 Demo3.4res.h // defines for sounds resources #define SOUND_ID_ENERGIZE 1 #define SOUND_ID_BEAM 2 #define SOUND_ID_TELEPORT 3 #define SOUND_ID_WARP 4 // defines for icon and cursor #define ICON_T3DX 100 #define CURSOR_CROSSHAIR 200

15 15 Demo3.4res.h // defines for the top level menu FILE #define MENU_FILE_ID_EXIT 1000 // defines for play sound top level menu #define MENU_PLAY_ID_ENERGIZE 2000 #define MENU_PLAY_ID_BEAM 2001 #define MENU_PLAY_ID_TELEPORT 2002 #define MENU_PLAY_ID_WARP 2003 // defines for the top level menu HELP #define MENU_HELP_ABOUT 3000

16 16 Attaching the Menu // Inside WinMain // save main window handle main_window_handle = hwnd; // load the menu resource HMENU hmenuhandle = LoadMenu(hinstance, “SoundMenu"); // attach the menu to the window SetMenu(hwnd, hmenuhandle);

17 17 Attaching the Menu Directly // first fill in the window class stucture winclass.hInstance= hinstance; winclass.hIcon= LoadIcon(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICON_T3DX)); winclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CURSOR_CROSSHAIR)); winclass.hbrBackground= (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); winclass.lpszMenuName= "SoundMenu"; winclass.lpszClassName= WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; winclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICON_T3DX)); // save hinstance in global hinstance_app = hinstance; // register the window class if (!RegisterClassEx(&winclass)) return(0);

18 18 WM_COMMAND case WM_COMMAND: { switch(LOWORD(wparam)) { // handle the FILE menu case MENU_FILE_ID_EXIT: { PostQuitMessage(0); // terminate window } break; // handle the HELP menu case MENU_HELP_ABOUT: { // pop up a message box MessageBox(hwnd, "Menu Sound Demo", "About Sound Menu", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } break;

19 19 WM_COMMAND // handle each of sounds case MENU_PLAY_ID_ENERGIZE: { // play first sound PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(SOUND_ID_ENERGIZE), hinstance_app, SND_RESOURCE | SND_ASYNC); } break; case MENU_PLAY_ID_WARP: { // play the sound PlaySound(MAKEINTRESOURCE(SOUND_ID_WARP), hinstance_app, SND_RESOURCE | SND_ASYNC); } break; default: break; } // end switch wparam } break; // end WM_COMMAND

20 20 Controls There are lots of “button” styles you can use in a user interface –Push button –Radio button –State box Remember that buttons are windows too


22 22 Creating Buttons for (int button = 0; button < NUM_BUTTONS; button++) { CreateWindowEx(NULL, // extended style "button", // class button_names[button], // title WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | button_types[button], 10,10+button*36, // initial x,y strlen(button_names[button])*16,24, // width, height main_window_handle, // handle to parent (HMENU)(BUTTON_BASE_ID + button), // handle to menu hinstance, // instance of this application NULL); // extra creation parms } // end for button

23 23 WM_COMMAND case WM_COMMAND: // all buttons come thru here { hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // get the dc // print out the wparam an lparam SetBkMode(hdc,OPAQUE); SetTextColor(hdc,RGB(0,255,0)); SetBkColor(hdc,RGB(128,128,128)); sprintf(buffer,"LOWORD(wparam)= %d,HIWORD(wparam)= %d", LOWORD(wparam), HIWORD(wparam)); TextOut(hdc,220,100,buffer,strlen(buffer)); sprintf(buffer,"LOWORD(lparam)= 0X%X,HIWORD(lparam)= 0X%X", LOWORD(lparam), HIWORD(lparam)); TextOut(hdc,220,140,buffer,strlen(buffer)); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // release the dc } break;

24 24 Processing WM_COMMAND LOWORD(wparam) = child window ID HIWORD(wparam) = notification code BN_CLCKED = 0 BN_PAINT = 1 BN_HIGHLIGHT = 2 BN_UNHILIGHT = 3 BN_DISABLE = 4 BN_DOUBLECLICKED = 5 lparam = child window handle

25 25 Checking Specific Button case WM_COMMAND: { if (LOWORD(wparam) == 100) { // process button with ID 100 } return(0); } break;

26 26 Sending Messages to Controls To simulate pushing a button SendMessage(hwndbutton, BM_CLICK, 0, 0); To simulate checking a box SendMessage(hwndbutton,BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED,0); To retrieve current state and mark it checked if (SendMessage(hwndbutton,BM_GETCHECK,0,0) == BST_CHECKED; { // action }

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